1. Use at least 12 specific factual examples from Foner, Give Me Liberty! Fourth Brief edition….
1. Use at least 12 specific factual examples from Foner, Give Me Liberty! Fourth Brief edition Textbook from chapters 10-13 and 16-18 (with at least one example from each chapter), with page numbers cited.
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2. Must have an argument stated in the first page and a conclusion at the end. 3. Must underline your argument. 4. Must carry the argument consistently through the entire essay. 5. Must be well written and based on evidence. 6. Must take a position of either agreeing or disagreeing. 7. Must consider and either refute or accommodate evidence that is contrary to the position you take.
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The freedoms imagined, fought for, and won during the antebellum period and the Civil War, were used in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era to deny freedoms to others, resulting in an overall failure to spread the blessings of liberty in the world by the eve of the First World War. Agree or disagree with this claim, and defend your position by explaining the relationship between differing ideologies of liberty and the social and political power of the different people involved.
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In your essay, be sure to consider and either refute or accommodate contrary evidence. So, if you agree, then you need to acknowledge times and places and possibilities. In the end, you need to take a stand and argue, that DESPITE the contrary evidence you found, that your agreement or disagreement is still sound, and why.
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1. Use at least 12 specific factual examples from Foner, Give Me Liberty! Fourth Brief edition…