1) Your online discussion forum posts From the forum titled: Forum – linked to Assessment 1 and 2 (seeded online forum Activities)â. (2) A 1300 word case scenario reflection task (using an essay style)..
1) Your online discussion forum posts
From the forum titled: Forum – linked to Assessment 1 and 2 (seeded online forum Activities)â.
(2) A 1300 word case scenario reflection task (using an essay style).
Please feel free to use this document to paste your online forum posts into and to write your reflection task into (see p.7 to start this). The reason for this request is that many students have difficulty adding the marking rubric to their assignment.
Otherwise, please add the criteria sheet (marking rubric â located on pp. 9-14) to your written assignment. Click and highlight the marking criteria, right click, copy and right click paste to your word document.
Task 1: Online discussion forum activity posts (15%)
(see marking rubric).
From the forum titled: Forum – linked to Assessment 1 and 2 (seeded online forum Activities)â.
You need to take a screen shot of each of the following posts to your group forum and copy them onto your assignment document.
Weeks 9: Reply post to a peer and a self-post: due 15th September = 4 posts
Week 10: Reply post to a peer and a self-post: due 22nd September
Be sure to include in your capture your name and the date of posting.
Instructions: how to take a screen shot:
Using snipping tool: Go to your search icon located bottom left hand side of your computer screen. Type in the search bar âSnipping toolâ.
Click the desktop app â snipping tool. Find the word New click the down arrow, click Rectangular snip.
Drag the cursor around the area you want to snip. Click file, save as pictures. Create a folder NUR1201 Week 9. Save your capture in this folder.
Using control/alt/print screen (PrtScn)
Place the curser on the screen you want to copy.
Hold down the control and Alt tabs and click on print screen (PrtScn)
Place curser on the assignment doc and click on control V
Task 2: Case Scenario Reflection task using an essay style (35%)
1300 words (+/- 10%)
Case Scenario Recording: âThe Age 75 Recordingâ
Topic Focus: âPreventing falls and harm from fallsâ and âMy health recordâ(e-health record).
Background Information
Reflection is a way of thinking and working for Registered Nurses and is useful in raising our conscious awareness of aspects of care that may or may not be hidden from our view. This raised awareness about these aspects of care improves our understanding as nurses and assist us in directing action strategies that can improve both the patient and their familyâs experience and the âpartnering in careâ strategies that we utilise. Improving the âpatient care experience and partnering in careâ and using Gibbs Reflective cycle (1988) as a framework in combination with drawing upon relevant theory provides a foundation for nurses to operate from and as such is required for task 2.
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