100 words response wendy.
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Individuals who desire to become elected officials normally come into office with great ideas. Ideas about what they want to accomplish and normally they just want to help the citizens and their communities. No elected official comes into office wanting to destroy programs or make decisions to the detriment of their constituents. It looks like to me this mayor came in with good intentions but what he lacked was the guidance that would allow him to just observe what had been done in this program before he was elected. The mayor should have taken into consideration that the counselors had been working with this population for years and knew what worked and what did not work. Often times individuals looking in from the outside do not have the expertise that the bots on the ground have. These counselors had the first-hand experience of how to work with this population.
The mayor’s idea to move these children into a facility and off the street could possibly cause more harm than good. He failed to realize that if that was a good move it probably would have been done prior to his election. The mayor did not take into consideration that these youth might have had past trauma filled experiences. Due to this they would probably not want to enter these facilities and would not agree to go back.
If I was in this particular situation, I would have first set a meeting with the individuals who worked in this program. This meeting would be an information gathering session to hear what had been previously accomplished, what had been accomplished and what the counselors felt would be the next move. Once this meeting was conducted I would commit to keep an open mind and request a monthly update about the program and make adjustments as needed.
Another aspect of research and quality input into a program is to speak with the population you wish to assist. In this case that would be the youth who are living on the streets. According to Hawke, Relihan, Mille, McCann, Rong, Darnay, and Henderson youth are experts in their own experience and the realities of being a young person. This expertise must be authentically valued in the research process. Authentic youth feedback can make many contributions to a research project, notably ensuring a youth-friendly approach to a study, the feasibility of recruitment and data collection, the meaningfulness of the results and ultimately project success as a whole(2018).
Bassuk, E. L. (2010). Ending child homelessness in America. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 80(4), 496–504. https://doi-org.proxy-library.ashford.edu/10.1111/…
Shinn, M., & Weitzman, B. C. (1994). You can’t eliminate homelessness without housing: HOUSING FINANCIAL RESOURCES FOR CUSTODIAL MOTHERS SOCIAL TIES REFERENCES. The American Behavioral Scientist (1986-1994), 37(3), 435. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.proxy-library.ashford….
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