I need a 2 or 3 sentence comment for each paragraph
Paragraph 1
Why is the concept of family health important? Consider the various strategies for health promotion. How does a nurse determine which strategy would best enable the targeted individuals to gain more control over, and improve, their health? With the development of the times, today’s family information is becoming more and more abundant. Family as a unit, each member is a part of the family. Everyone’s emotions, health, and habits will affect the entire family. The home is a place full of love, and also learning to communicate, understand, sympathize, collaborate, respect, and be respected in this place. Use the positive energy obtained at home to dissolve people in social contradictions with people, so that is why the concept of family is essential. “Nurses promote positive nurse-patient and nurse-family relationships. This incorporates an atmosphere of honesty, trust, caring, competence, and cooperation among all participants. The nurse guides assessments and conversation over sensitive topics, devoting attentive listening skills to all”. Health promotion of families includes use of referral services. For example, we know lots of people who are lonely and elderly do not need living in a nursing home. We can build active entertainment communities, including card games, mahjong, chess, games, etc. Open regularly and arrange, provided shuttle services. We can even help them supply some life needs and health education Missions. Unsuitable environments can cause many diseases. Provide a better communication environment for retired seniors and provide health prevention lectures can improve their health.
Paragraph 2
The concept of family health is important because behaviors from one family member influences the whole family; which plays a role in health maintenance and prevention of disease. The nurse can use structural, functional and developmental assessments to gain an understanding about families. Structural assessments look at individuals and where they are within the family’s current life cycle (Green, 2018). Functional assessments look at family routines along with verbal and nonverbal communication. Developmental assessments look at the development of the family: birth, marriage, death and separation (Green, 2018). By looking at the family structure, both traditional and nontraditional, the nurse takes into consideration family roles, behaviors, relationships, and lifestyle choices which have an influence on family and individual health. Risk factors that affect the health of families are also identified which include: violence, housing, sanitation, poverty, social isolation and biologic factors. The nurse is able to evaluate each family’s beliefs, preferences, needs and values in order to provide family-centered care (Green, 2018). Strengths and weaknesses are then assessed and identified by the nurse by listening and conducting an effective family interview in order to provide customized care. Depending on which family health deficits are identified, the nurse can identify which type of assessment is best fit to enable individuals to control their health.
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