2 discussion questions 250 word each

2 discussion questions 250 word each.

Hello Writer,
Please answer discussion questions clearly also make sure you use reference. Please NO grammar or spelling error. Thank you in advance!
Discussion 1
Use of Licensure and Accreditation
Compare and contrast the use of licensure and accreditation in terms of responsibilities, accountability and quality improvement?
initial response requires a minimum of 250 words(excluding references)
Remember to cite/reference all outside works in proper APA style (6th edition).
Discussion 2
Future Role of Accreditation
What role can/should accreditation play in the future of healthcare quality, especially given the prospect of the exhorbent amount of information from electronic clinical and administrative data sources?
Your initial response requires a minimum of 250 words(excluding references) Remember to cite/reference all outside works in proper APA style (6th edition).
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2 discussion questions 250 word each

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