2 page essay about ron garan and his perspective and suggestions for improvement on earth

2 page essay about ron garan and his perspective and suggestions for improvement on earth.

I am providing an assignment. The assignment is based upon a WNYC Podcast titled “A Bird’s Eye Perspective of the Planet, and Its Problems.” It is an interview with U.S. astronaut, Ron Garan, who spent several months on the International Space Station, and from that experience, gained a unique perspective on the earth and its problems.
Write a maximum 2 page essay about Ron Garan and his perspective and suggestions for improvement here on earth, focusing upon the more environmental issues that he discusses. Describe what his “orbital perspective” is about.
Here is the link to the podcast:http://www.wnyc.org/story/birds-eye-perspective-planet-and-its-problems/
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2 page essay about ron garan and his perspective and suggestions for improvement on earth

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