2 part project

2 part project.

10-11 pages
PROJECT DRAFT: Draft DUE :9/10/2019 & Final project DUE: 9/21/2019
In this paper you are required to synthesize concepts and principles in a researched and documented plan of action that details effective readiness, response, and recovery operations for a particular type of disaster in a particular location. The paper should make reference to actual (historical) recovery efforts at the federal, state, and local level. 
Paper should be 2,500 to 3,000 words (10 to 11 pages). covering the following course topics, along with any others that are appropriate to the disaster you are focusing on: readiness, response, and      recovery cognitive, behavioral, and      emotional stress responses to the incident appraisal and treatment of      victims methods for assessing trauma      and triaging methods for mitigating harmful      stress reactions in both victims and responders guidelines for referral to      behavioral health specialists analysis of possible long-term      effects of the disaster
Paper must contain in-text citations, using APA citation format. 
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2 part project

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