2 separate amp short essays 800 1200 words each about issues in business and society

2 separate amp short essays 800 1200 words each about issues in business and society.

2 separate & Short essays
– 800 to 1200 words each
– if you use quotes, use in text citations with page numbers
– must have a thesis/position
– must have a bibliography

Question 1- If we follow the analysis of value developed by Orlean, how could we describe the value of a specific object and how this could be changed over time and during financial and economic crisis? How does speculation nourish this system?
Question 2- What are the different regimes of welfare state and varieties of capitalism? What is the place of finance, social security and family in those regimes and varieties?

Use the Orlean reading to answer question 1, and the other two readings to answer Question 2
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2 separate amp short essays 800 1200 words each about issues in business and society

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