20 idea question with their answers a short and easy quiz and a 650 word paper

20 idea question with their answers a short and easy quiz and a 650 word paper.

If you dont have the book then I will provide the link to the book
These are the links to the book below:
I need help to write 10 ideas from the book “Human Story’ chapter 1 and another 10 ideas from the book “Human story’ from chapter 10 and from the book ‘Edible History’ from chapter 5

The idea should be like a question and then explain the answer within few sentences. So altogether it will be like 20 questions with 20 answers in a few sentences.
Also there is a short quiz which I have attched below. you can complete it in the same paper.
You should do the quiz after watching this video https://youtu.be/Yocja_N5s1I
Now talking about the 650 word essay, You need to click this link https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/wilmcoll-ebooks/reader.action?docID=3386436&ppg=8 (Links to an external site.) Log onto the link below: (right-click and open in new tab) and read pages 1-5 of the Introduction to the book Roman Empire: Roots of Imperialism (by Neville Morley).
There are two topics so discuss three factors for these topics for example:
1. Roman history provides an entire view of the life cycle of a civilization
a) you feel they are accurate and why,
b) the United States reflects statements,
c) what elements should we look for as clues that may indicate a decline in a civilization. .
2. Empire brings stability…and hence bestows peace, law, order education and prosperity on the regions it dominates…
a) you feel they are accurate and why,
b) the United States reflects statements,
c) what elements should we look for as clues that may indicate a decline in a civilization.
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20 idea question with their answers a short and easy quiz and a 650 word paper

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