Month: November 2021

Assessment and Management of Patients With Biliary Disorders

1. Evelyn Bean, 52 years of age, is admitted to the same-day surgery unit for an elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The patient presents with jaundice of the skin and sclera. The patient’s urine is dark and the patient stated that she has clay-colored stools. She stated she has occasional colicky pain in her right upper quadrant …

Assessment and Management of Patients With Biliary Disorders Read More »

business Hw

You are to research and write a short report on two current business articles (so it will be 2 short reports each of which is no longer than two pages) regarding a contemporary event or events (or coverage of an industry or individual) each of which highlight a course concept or concepts addressed this semester. …

business Hw Read More »

Management of Patients With Oral and Esophageal Disorders

Management of Patients With Oral and Esophageal Disorders  1. George Smith, a 55-year-old patient is admitted to the intensive care unit after a thoracotomy approach was used for an esophagectomy to remove an early stage adenocarcinoma of the distal esophagus and gastroesophageal junction. The patient has a history of GERD and Barrett’s esophagus. The patient …

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This is a Master Degree Nurse Practioner program minimum of 250 words with at least 2 peer review reference in

This is a Master Degree Nurse Practioner program minimum of 250 words with at least 2 peer review reference in 7 the edition apa style.  Please do not use international references.    In a patient with advanced COPD is their heart failure likely to be Right-sided, left-sided, or both? How might decreasing their pre-load affect that? …

This is a Master Degree Nurse Practioner program minimum of 250 words with at least 2 peer review reference in Read More »

Media Analysis

One to two pages single spaced 2. Chose a piece of media you can analyze: television show, movie, song, etc.. Tell me BRIEFLY about what the piece of media is about and then apply your sociological imagination to understanding how GLOBAL INEQUALITY is portrayed in your piece of media. 3. Make DIRECT CITABLE references to …

Media Analysis Read More »

Topic 5: Corruption and Economic Development The World Bank has identified corruption as “the single greatest obstacle to economic and

Topic 5: Corruption and Economic Development The World Bank has identified corruption as “the single greatest obstacle to economic and social development” because it weakens the institutional foundation on which economic growth depends and because it undermines equality. The relationship between corruption and growth, however, is not a simple one. How many kinds of corruption …

Topic 5: Corruption and Economic Development
The World Bank has identified corruption as “the single greatest obstacle to economic and
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Policy and Advocacy 1

Rather than focus on the treatment of chronic disease, policies that influence population health tend to emphasize prevention and wellness; the reduction or elimination of waste and the eradication of health disparities based on race, ethnicity, language, income, gender, sexual orientation, disability and other factors. The reasoning is that good health belongs to the whole, …

Policy and Advocacy 1 Read More »

Account assignment

1.  For each of the following independent situations, present the necessary journal entry:(a) Declared and distributed a 5% share dividend on 100,000 shares of common shares outstanding. Market price per share on this date was $12.(b) With 250,000 shares of common shares outstanding, declared and distributed a 2 for 1 share split.(c) Declared and distributed …

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What international circumstances and social changes contributed to the end of colonial empires? What obstacles confronted the leaders of movements

What international circumstances and social changes contributed to the end of colonial empires? What obstacles confronted the leaders of movements for independence? What was the role of Gandhi in India’s struggle for independence? Why was African rule in South Africa delayed until 1994, when it had occurred decades earlier elsewhere in the colonial world?

Net Neutrality is a very important topic in today’s society. We have become so reliant on the Internet that we

Net Neutrality is a very important topic in today’s society. We have become so reliant on the Internet that we take it’s ease of access, speed, and transparency for granted. The Internet has grown on the basis of being completely “open.” This means that users can come and go as they please and access any …

Net Neutrality is a very important topic in today’s society. We have become so reliant on the Internet that we Read More »

Operations Strategy Research Paper assignment 2 : Draft

During this course, you will develop a research project to better understand key strategic elements of operations management. Your topic relates to one of the following programs: Inventory control Facilities planning Distribution Cost reduction Customer service Decision making processes Supply chain management Capacity planning Forecasting Master scheduling Your final research project will comprise approximately 6-8 …

Operations Strategy Research Paper assignment 2 : Draft Read More »

Week 6 Discusion 3

1)  Does every single database table require a primary key? Please explain why or why not and provide an example to support your response.  2)  Do you believe that REA modeling will become a standard for developing and implementing accounting information systems? Please explain why or why not.  Write paragraph for each questions.

Internet Searches

Discussion Question: Explain the steps you take to complete an Internet search.  Which search engine do you prefer? Why?  What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a search engine versus a metasearch engine?  Discuss how you determine if a source is credible based on the author/author credentials, date of publication, domain, bias, and works …

Internet Searches Read More »

MODULE SIX DISCUSSION Please respond to only one of the two questions below. Total word count must be 250 to

MODULE SIX DISCUSSION Please respond to only one of the two questions below. Total word count must be 250 to 300 words in your posting. (20 points) Do not cut and paste, please post original work. Please provide references for your original postings in APA format. The use of a new technology can bring new …

Please respond to only one of the two questions below.
Total word count must be 250 to
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Directions: You will create a presentation with a voice-over for this group assignment. Find help for creating a power

Directions: You will create a presentation with a voice-over for this group assignment. Find help for creating a power point presentation with voice-over below. For each of your content areas, you will create a detailed activity (introduction/ art-skills builder, primary activity, follow-up, assessment/evaluation) that integrates a creative arts approach. Create one lesson for the content …

Directions: You will create a presentation with a voice-over for this group assignment. Find help for creating a power Read More »

As explained in the lecture, in China, “community grid management” and “community organizers” played a nontrivial role in the

As explained in the lecture, in China, “community grid management” and “community organizers” played a nontrivial role in the public administration of one of government’s most significant COVID-19 mitigation measures, the Wuhan lockdown; and, the synopses of the responses to the pandemic in Arab region nations suggest that governance approaches, while hardly predominant, were present …

As explained in the lecture, in China, “community grid management” and “community organizers” played a nontrivial role in the Read More »

Emerging Technologies

Chapter 15. Exercise: An acquirer looks for a company with a good profit margin, a proven history, and a fair price. Choose an industry of interest and list five criteria for selecting candidates for acquisition. Research and response to the above question in no less than 300 words, single-spaced. Provide references in APA format. A title …

Emerging Technologies Read More »

. Readings: Chapter 12 in MOC and Chapter 5 in TAF. Read the assigned chapters prior to answering discussion

. Readings: Chapter 12 in MOC and Chapter 5 in TAF. Read the assigned chapters prior to answering discussion questions. Discussion Questions: 1) How would you describe your role as a change manager using the terms introduced in chapter 12 of MOC: champion, soul-of-fire, quiet leader, positive deviant or disruptive innovator. Explain. 2) Based on …

. Readings: Chapter 12 in MOC and Chapter 5 in TAF. Read the assigned chapters prior to answering discussion Read More »

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