4000 forum and responses

4000 forum and responses.

The following discussion comes from your week 6 readings. Outside research to address these issues is encouraged. I would suggest using the online library for additional sources of information and research. In addition, I would recommend utilizing the legal studies program guide.
There are various factors in making decisions to charge an individual with a crime. There are also stages and rules of trial by jury and rules of entering a guilty plea.
This forum asks you to examine plea agreements and the trial process.
Please thoroughly discuss each of the following:

Discuss some of the reasons why a prosecutor would offer a defendant a plea agreement. Discuss your thoughts on plea bargaining. Discuss the constitutional requirements of entering a guilty plea.
What is the difference between a bench trial and a jury trial. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Do you think the prosecutor is given too much discretion to determine the charges placed on a defendant? Do you think the prosecutor is given too much discretion to offer a defendant a plea agreement? Discuss why and remember to support your position.

Based on the facts provided to you in week 1 discussion forum #2, the investigation report, the confession by Mayo and the witness statements made by Dietz and Joe answer the following:
1) If you were the defense attorney representing Mayo would you try to negotiate a plea agreement on his behalf or go to trial?
2) The prosecutor is given a lot of discretion in the criminal court process. If you were the prosecutor would you try to negotiate a plea agreement or go to trial? Discuss why and make sure to support your position. Also, discuss the pros and cons to each.
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4000 forum and responses

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