Andrew Jackson was a man of the people. He was born in the back woods of Tennessee in a wooden cabin. At a very young age he was left as an orphan. He helped soldiers fight. At a young age he was a troublemaker. Jackson served in the years of 1829-1837. When he served there was a lot of question about if he was democratic or not. Even though he was not the greatest president he had still democratic thoughts. Andrew Jackson shows democracy in the spoil system with his cabinet, with the Indian removal act by expanding his nation, and the national bank by destroying it.
The spoil system was one of the ways that made Andrew Jackson democratic because he put the right people into office to make the decisions with him. These people were put into office to make the right decisions for his nation. He personified his own cabinet of the men he trusted. His cabinet sometime met in the kitchen. Because of this his cabinet was known as the kitchen cabinet. Andrew Jackson made sure that they were doing the best for the nation. Jackson hired the common man for his cabinet.
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The Indian Removal act has many people thinking if Andrew Jackson was democratic or not. Many people did not think that this act was democratic but he did the right thing for his nation. But even though the Supreme Court said that the Cherokee could stay in Georgia but Jackson knew that the Indians were going instinct. (Doc 8) For the good of his own nation he send the Indians on the trail of tears. Andrew Jackson did the right thing to expand his nation to the western part of the Louisiana territory that was owned by the United States.
Andrew Jackson helped the common man by destroying the national bank. The national bank was only helping the rich man. The common man were not benefiting from the national bank. The president of the national bank was Nicholas Biddle. In 1833 Jackson announced that that there would no longer be any federal money going to the national bank. Nicholas Biddle was curious so he hired Henry Clay an enemy of Andrew Jackson to fight on his side. Andrew Jackson later destroyed the national bank or the monster as he said. This act showed that Andrew Jackson cared for the common man of his nation.
The Film Blade Runner Overview
The movie frequently directs our attention to eyes in various dimensions. For instance, the file begins with a close-up of an eye which reflects a devilish landscape below. Also, Tyrell gets killed by a Roy who forces his thumbs into his eyes. The focus of eyes is employed to depict people’s souls. Similarly, the eye symbol is used to depict the soul of Oedipus when refuses to believe that he killed King Laius.
The unicorns in the film symbolize Rachael who is a replicant among human beings. As such, the unicorns suggest that the relationship between Deckard and Gaff is strained. Gaff taunts Deckard who has fallen in love with Racheal. He thinks that Deckard is afraid of hunting replicants. The focus is on a unicorn rather than a chicken or elephant because a unicorn depicts something different. Unicorns are very different from houses. Likewise, the replicants are different from the ordinary human beings in the movie.
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The fact that replicants have implanted childhood memories takes away their value. Notably, memories can affect one’s future behavior and personality. As such, since the replicants’ childhood memories are implanted, their values are false (Radwan n. p.). I am sure that my childhood memories are genuine since I have photographs that support them. Not all the replicants’ emotions and feelings are false. Some emotions and feelings are not based on their childhood memories hence they are real. Present events trigger such feelings and emotions. Nevertheless, the emotions and feelings that are based on their implanted memories are false.
The Voight-Kampff test works by provoking one’s emotional responses by being asked questions dealing with empathy. Afterward, the Voight-Kampff test was employed to determine whether one is replicant or human. Another test that could have been used to differentiate humans and replicants is the pain test. One could be subjected to pain and the degree of pain detected by a machine. Humans would feel more pain as compared to replicants since they have superhuman abilities. Even if there were no test to distinguish humans from replicants, it would not mean that replicants were fully human since they are advanced in the hat, they have superhuman strength (Scott n. p.). Therefore, this aspect would differentiate them from humans.
The replicants are monsters since they murder twenty-three humans in an off-world colony. However, Deckard feels differently. He does not believe that replicants are monsters since one of them saves his life while he was hunting them. As a result, he quits hunting replicants. I would not consider the four escaped replicants as monsters since they too like human are fighting for their life. Also, one of them saves a human life, an action that depicts that they are not monsters.
After watching the film, I do not think that Deckard is a replicant. If Deckard were a replicant, he would not have hunted his colleagues. Also, if he were a replicant, he would pose superhuman strength, similar to that of a replicant. However, this is not the case since replicants easily overpower him.