Also known as machine intelligence, artificial intelligence refers to the intellect displayed by machines as divergent to the inherent intellect, which is portrayed by the brain of human beings and several other living creatures (Flasi?„ski, 2016). There has been continual development and progress in the technological field in the sense that it encompasses the usage of machines to tackle some operations, which were originally being completed by humans. For instance, nowadays robots are used to perform various industrial operations, like operating plant machinery and bombs detonation, among other things.
Machines are usually programmed in languages such that they are capable of understanding what should be done, at what time, and by which means. These are a few of the latest developments, which have been witnessed in the information technology field; a sector that has evolved considerably over the years (Flasi?„ski, 2016). As such, the word artificial intelligence, also abbreviated as AI, is applicable in cases where machines imitate some of the intellectual roles, which are linked to human mentality or human beings like giving solutions to issues and implementing some operations, which need higher intelligence levels to be executed.
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Applicability of AI in Ex Machina Movie
Ex Machina, the film of Alex Garland is among the best movies explaining and imagining artificial intelligence. The main movie question is whether Ava has consciousness or she utilizes knowledge to protect herself and survive (Robbins, 2018). The movies plot starts with Caleb, the programmer who won the chance to spend one week at the mansion of Nathan in order to assess his latest development (Ava), a machine having the real artificial intelligence. Caleb, through the renowned Turing test, is capable of understanding if the robot is pure AI and with the progress of the sessions the behaviors (thinking and reactions) of Ava with Caleb are evident.
How AI technology was used
In the film, Ex Machina, a character called Nathan developed a humanoid robot known as Ava using artificial intelligence. This robot was capable of performing intricate tasks, which even superseded the abilities of several other characters within the film. In the film, Ava passed the simple test of Turing and Nathan wanted Caleb to give his verdict as to whether the robot was capable of thinking genuinely and having consciousness (Robbins, 2018). In addition, Nathan wanted to know whether Caleb could relate to Ava in spite of the actuality that Ava was a robot. Therefore, the artificial intelligence technology has been utilized in the film to expose and illustrate how Ava was built in order to perform the operations, which could be carried out by human beings as well.
Do you think the premise for the technology is realistic?
The technological premise underlying artificial intelligence (AI) is genuine and a fact because many organizations within the United States, Germany, and several other multinationals in the developed nations are continually employing the technology to manage and control their industrial processes and operations to enhance efficiency and minimize the labor costs (Garland, 2015). Nevertheless, based on the movies premise, there much fictitious actions integrated in the continuation of the films plot.
Research being done today that is related to the AI technology
Several initiatives of research and development are currently underway in the artificial intelligence field, which are aimed at developing even more efficient robots that could substitute human workforce in performing the basic industrial tasks and duties. Different researchers are attempting to build and innovate ways through which reinforcement learning may be integrated in artificial intelligence so that the overall outcome is maximized. Researchers have released multiple algorithms, which have been simulated in order to accommodate the necessities, which they would like to be integrated in artificial intelligence (Garland, 2015).
Therefore, with reinforcement learning and training, there are chances that the scholars would come up with outcomes, which are desired by organizations to enable them have machines that think and act like normal humans instead of acting like mere programmed robots.
In short, artificial intelligence is an extensive concept, which is being explored every day as deductive studies cannot be performed on the field. With rapid progresses and developments in the technological field, research will continuously be carried out in the artificial intelligence field with results optimization as well as the development of the most excellent alternatives being the ultimate objectives of the studies. From the movie, Ex Machina, if one searches deeper and assesses the finale, on could presume that Ava could be incorporated by a society of humans; implying that an artificial intelligence is capable of mimicking the behaviors of human beings. Therefore, the film illustrates clearly the multiple artificial intelligence aspects. Also, the movie tends to question the cons and pros of artificial intelligence.
Solutions On Pollution Issue
Funding is the most important factor in order to improve the current conditions of Vietnam. Seven principles which pollution control funds should aim to follow can be drawn from the decade of experience with environment funds of various kinds in Vietnam.
To be effective, EPFs should:
1.Have a clear and overriding objective of pollution reduction and prevention.
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2.Work according to a comprehensive pollution control plan of government which is based on credible and systematic priority setting procedures.
3.Integrate with the government pollution control and management institutions and procedures.
4.Include a strong parallel technical support facility.
5.Promote and help implement cleaner production technologies and practices.
6.As far as possible, work through existing governmental budgetary mechanisms.
7.Operate with strong transparency requirements and the obligation to regularly report on their activities to stakeholders.
The main purpose of a pollution control fund must be to prevent and reduce pollution.The primary consideration of a pollution control fund should be how best to use its resources to achieve the maximum pollution reduction in the most efficient and effective way within the fund’s design lifetime.
That objective should not be compromised even if it may require setting aside market competition principles on a case by case basis.For example, if for reasons of employment a decision is made to allow a seriously polluting firm to continue operating it may be necessary to provide a one off grant and/or loan to assist the firm meet pollution standards.It should not be permitted to continue polluting and placing workers, the local community and the environment at risk.
The financial support would be a one-off transitional subsidy provided for the wider social benefits of maintaining the operation as an employer and producer in the economy.The fund’s pollution control objective is paramount even if in the short term it may appear to be giving serious polluters a competitive advantage over other firms with a good environmental performance.In practice, international experience has shown that one-off subsidies of this kind have little influence on competitive forces within the market.
Funds must be linked to credible and systematic priority setting procedures.To be effective a fund must draw on a set of clear priorities that identify the most serious polluters as part of a government’s pollution control plan. Where resources are scarce, managers must tackle the most serious polluters.Establishing and maintaining a priority listing requires a number of steps. First, an audit of polluting firms in the area of operations of the fund is needed to find out who the firms are (their location, size, sector, ownership etc.) and the nature and extent of their pollution.
In setting priorities pollution load and the relative toxicity of the pollutants are important measures. Additional criteria for the selection of pollution control priorities include, the extent to which polluters are in environmentally sensitive areas, sectors which are either expected to grow quickly (for example, food processing in Vietnam’s case) and sectors that are regarded as strategically important for long term development (for example, the petrochemicals sector). Second, polluting firms identified in the auditing process need to have their requirements for pollution control facilities and staff training assessed, and the likely cost of the provision of these facilities estimated.
Finally, the financial situation of the firms needs to be investigated including their ability to repay loans, and whether the production facility itself is viable. As pointed out under principle 1, in special circumstances, firms which are marginal economically may be supported if there are other social, economic and political considerations which justify subsidies but where serious pollution must cease.Funds must be well integrated within the overall government pollution control and management institutions and procedures.
A pollution control fund needs to be built into the broader institutional and management environment in which it will function, so it supports and actively engages with host environment institutions to raise their capacity and reinforce their policy and planning priorities.