. Click on the green Objectives tab in that topic area to choose one Healthy People 2020 objective..
Community health nurses practice in a variety of settings. Choose one of the following CH roles and describe what you have learned about the nurses’ role in that setting (see Chapters 29 –33).
- School Nursing
- Occupational
- Health Nursing
- Faith-based or Parish Nursing
- Home health Nursing
- Hospice Nursing
- Forensic Nursing
- Correctional Nursing
The federal government developed Healthy People as a set of national health objectives that are revised every 10 years. These objectives are very specific in order to guide and measure our nation’s progress related to public health. Please visit http://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topicsobjectives2020/. Click on a topic area that relates to role you chose to discuss. Click on the green Objectives tab in that topic area to choose one Healthy People 2020 objective.
. Click on the green Objectives tab in that topic area to choose one Healthy People 2020 objective.