Deliver a brief outline of the meaning (not a description) ofeach Chapter and articles you read, in your own words..
Critical Reflection Paper 2-3 pages
1. Introduction(25%) Deliver a brief outline of the meaning (not a description) ofeach Chapter and articles you read, in your own words.
2. Your Critique(50%)
What is your reactionto the content of the articles?
What did you learnabout creating and printing brochures? What type of information must containthe brochures?
What did you learn aboutDisaster Plan?
Did these Chapter andarticles change your thoughts about Marketing to ethnic communities? If so,how? If not, what remained the same?
3. Conclusion(15%)
Briefly recapitulateyour opinions & assumption to your critique of the articles and Chapter youread. How did these articles andChapters impact your thoughts on Newsletter and marketing?
Evaluation will be based on how clearly you respond to theabove, in particular:
a) The clarity with which you critique the articles;
b) The depth, scope, and organization of your paper; and,
c) Your conclusions, including a description of the impactof these articles and Chapters on any Health Care Setting.