. Demonstrate the ability to safely deliver essential nursing skills based on a critical understanding of the underpinning theory..
Submission Instructions:
This assignment is to be submitted electronically using Blackboard
1. This assignment must be submitted electronically 2. To submit electronically you must upload your work to the e-submission area within the Blackboard module concerned. Click Submit> Browse (find the correct file to upload) Upload> Submit
3. You can resubmit your work as many times as you like until the deadline. If you choose to resubmit, your earlier submission will be replaced, and you will NOT receive an Originality Report until 24 hours from when the submission was made.
4. You will receive a digital receipt as proof of submission. This will be sent to your Bucks e-mail address; please keep this for reference.
5. You are reminded of the University’s regulations on cheating, plagiarism and self plagiarism. In submitting your assignment you are acknowledging that you have read and understood these regulations.
6. Late submission within 10 working days of the deadline will result in the mark being capped at a maximum of 40%. Beyond this time the work will not be marked.
7. You are reminded that it is your responsibility to keep an electronic copy of your assignment for future reference.
Instructions to Students:
1. This is a 2000 words assignment. The word count can be +/- of 10%. Please use the following format for your front sheet: – Student’s cohort and ID number – SpLD sticker if applicable – Module code ( NA711) and name ( Essential Nursing Skills Adult) – The actual word count (excluding the front sheet, reference list and appendix, if any) – Submission date and Module leader name – Assignment title
2. This assignment should be presented in an academic essay format, with a clear introduction, body, conclusion, and use an appropriate formal academic style and avoiding contractions (e.g., don’t, won’t, etc.), informal or spoken forms of language. Do not include headings and sub-headings. As this assignment is a reflective piece of work it can be written in the first person.
3. Ensure that you use the Harvard system of referencing. The University Referencing and cite them right guidelines are available in the Learning Development Unit Blackboard shell.
4. Please ensure that you abide to the University Confidentiality policy by not identify any individual or organisation in your assignment. If need you can refer to the organisation/placement in general terms, e.g., an NHS Trust. A penalty will be applied if you do not adhere to the University Confidentiality policy. This policy can be found in the PGDip organisational Blackboard shell.
This assignment tests the following Learning Outcomes for the module:
1. Apply knowledge and a critical understanding of bio-psychosocial aspect of health (e.g. anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, pharmacology, psychosocial) in the assessment of an individual adult patient.
2. Demonstrate the ability to safely deliver essential nursing skills based on a critical understanding of the underpinning theory.
3. Demonstrate initiative, problem solving approaches and effective communication when caring for an adult patient.
4. Integrate knowledge and skills as required by the ESC in the practice setting and uphold professional values stipulated by the NMC Code (2015)
The Assignment Task: Summative Assignment Coursework
1. Reflective essay on a nursing skill applied to a clinical scenario. The student is expected to complete a REFLECTIVE ESSAY, which is based on an experience from practice with a patient. You are expected to select a reflective model, to justify why you are using this model and to follow the stages of this model to develop your assignment. As it is reflective in nature, you can use “I”. This assignment requires you to examine the learning you have developed over this first Stage of the theory and practice semester. The aim of this assignment is for you to understand and apply a particular nursing skill, pathophysiology and/or psychosocial knowledge, to the care of a patient you have been looking after, while out on clinical practice. Give a brief profile of the patient, with their past history and a brief description of their current problems for the admission. You must maintain confidentiality of the patient, staff and Trust. Discuss in-depth the pathophysiology and further relate to the particular nursing skill that you have applied in taking care of this patient. You should discuss the rationale for the chosen nursing skill and some evaluation of its effectiveness towards the patient conditions. Support your analysis with current evidences. You must generate independent perspective within your discussion. Reflect upon how your understanding has developed and how you have transferred this into your practice during this first placement. Your practice mentor, Link Lecturer or your Module Leader/Skills Lecturer will be a useful resource for guidance on your essay. Your reflection must consist your knowledge, thoughts and feelings of taking care of your patient, the application of the nursing skill in the practice environment and how this experience will contribute to your personal and professional development. To organise your reflection you will need to choose a reflective model e.g. Driscoll, Johns or Gibbs. Please include a copy of your chosen reflection model in your appendix. The assignment should follow the principles of the chosen model and demonstrate some understanding of the model and process of reflection. It should NOT however analyse the model of reflection in significant depth. As this is a level 7 assignment, you are expected to be analytical, as such you are expected to use appropriate references (from good current and professional sources).
Assessment Criteria:
It will be marked according to the level 7 (insert level e.g. 6 or 7) university marking grid. A copy of the marking grid can be found in the Assignment Folder in the Blackboard shell Resubmission Information: 1. Your mark for this piece of course work will be confirmed at the Assessment Board. If you are given a resubmission opportunity you will be given a date by the Assessment Board to resubmit your work. The provisional referral submission dates are: 1 st referral submission date: 8/5/2018, 2nd referral submission date: 21/8/18. Please note that these dates will be confirmed by assessment board and will be announced within the ‘Assessment Board’ folder within the Blackboard Organisation shell. 2. You are strongly advised to seek referral support from the module team.