describe a specific space mission, project, or instrument and describe how the technology, science, or engineering connects to the material in our class.

describe a specific space mission, project, or instrument and describe how the technology, science, or engineering connects to the material in our class..

the due is after 1 hour and half

please can anyone help me


write a 2-page report, single spaced, font 12 pts. Times New Roman, and 1 inch margins.  Your report should contain a discussion of how any aspect of what you learned in your visit(s) connects to any class material (Ch. 1 thru 14) covered.  Tell me what you learned and how it connects to class.  In other words, describe a specific space mission, project, or instrument and describe how the technology, science, or engineering connects to the material in our class. Be very specific for full credit.  Consider this a technical research project; basic equations are helpful and expected.

describe a specific space mission, project, or instrument and describe how the technology, science, or engineering connects to the material in our class.

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