Describe the disorder you are researching..
1. DESCRIPTION Describe the disorder you are researching. 2. DSM-IV APPLICATION List the diagnostic criteria for the disorder. Discuss the ethical and responsible use of the DSM-IV in general and with this particular disorder. Cultural influences need to be included in discussion. 3. 4 DsDISTRESS, DEVIANCE,
DYSFUNCTION AND DANGER Describe the disorder according to the level of Distress, Deviance, Dysfunction and Danger for a person diagnosed with this disorder. 4. MODELS OF ABNORMALITY THAT EXPLAIN THE ETIOLOGY Identify at least 2 theoretical models of abnormality that provide an understanding of the etiology for the disorder. Based on the research, discuss which model best explains the etiology. 5. TREATMENTS Identify at least 2 treatments that are currently being used to treat this disorder. Based on the research discuss which treatment is the most effective.
6. HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL CONTEXTS Discuss what have been the historical influences and changes for this disorder in the last 100 years. Describe the cultural influences for the disorder and discuss the occurrence of this disorder in other cultures. 7. PROGNOSIS Discuss the prognosis for a person with this disorder.
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