. Describe your vision of a model economic system.
Social Instiutions 250 words: Instruction pick :
Please choose one of the following questions:
1. In which forms of government do average citizens have the least and most political power? What options might they have for exerting political power under this type of government? In your response, also discuss voter participation in the U.S. Explain how a voter’s social class and other social factors can affect his or her voting practices. Besides voting, how can U.S. citizens influence political processes and outcomes? Have you personally used any of these strategies?
2. Describe your vision of a model economic system – is it capitalist, socialist, or somewhere in between? In your answer be sure to compare and contrast the two major economic systems (capitalism and socialism). How do you think the United States economy will change as we move closer to a technology-driven service economy?
3. What factors contribute to the disparities in health among racial, ethnic, and gender groups in the United States? How is this a sociological issue as well as a medical one? What diseases are the most stigmatized in the U.S.? Which are the least? Is this different in different cultures or social classes?
The Week 7 Forum meets the following course objectives:
Apply a sociological perspective to the social world.
Analyze contemporary social issues using the sociological imagination and use sociological theories and concepts to analyze everyday life.
Interpret the United States economy and politics.
Discuss the sociological study of health and medicine in society.
Social Change 250 words required pick the following to discuss:
Please choose one of the following questions:
1. The reading discusses the efforts to revitalize city areas that have historically been less affluent, the process of gentrification. What are the potential effects of gentrification on the economy and current residents of the neighborhood? NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) protests occur when concerned citizens band together to speak up against something that will impact them negatively. Who is more likely to be involved in NIMBY protests and where do they occur? Give an example of a NIMBY protest and whether you support it or not.
2. Consider what you have learned about collective behavior, social movements, and social change this week. How is the global expansion of social media likely to affect how people pursue social change? How has it done so already? Use specific examples as you analyze social movements, social change, technology, and the media.
The Week 8 Forum meets the following course objectives:
Apply a sociological perspective to the social world.
Analyze contemporary social issues using the sociological imagination and use sociological theories and concepts to analyze everyday life.
Explain collective behavior, social movements, and social change.
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