Effects Of Puberty In Children And Adolescence

Ideally, puberty involves changes that individuals, explicitly children, undergo mentally, physically, and socially in variations such as anxiety issues as they adapt to the mature bodies (Viner,2017). Puberty stage differs depending on the reaction of the individual; some may experience new changes as early as seven years old while others may experience the changes in their late stages. Physicians widely recognize adolescence as a critical change that opens gateways altering the life course of an individual and may affect their performances throughout their entire life. According to Viner (2017), puberty is accompanied by sexual maturation, changes in the reproductive capacities, semantic growths such as a change in the nervous system and psychological behaviors. Puberty stage can have adverse effects to both boys and girls such as exposure to sexual peers, may cause stress, exposure to drug abuse, teenagers may start piercing and tattooing their bodies, peer pressure and can cause a change in the self-esteem of the teenagers.

The adolescence stage is more critical than the puberty stage due to the transitions from the childhood stages to the adulthood stage. For example, high schools’ students have been exposed to college level education. Following an article review (n.d.) the transition may cause a change in the self-esteem where the teenagers develop a negative self-image about themselves, comparable things such as the teenagers having the urge to change certain body elements. Likewise, low self-esteem can be caused by unconstructive criticisms by colleagues, overprotection from the parents, thus the child cannot make decisions by themselves.

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Besides, peer pressure is developed during the puberty and adolescence stage. Peer pressure is generated due to less parent-child relationships as the youngsters grow. Typically, as the youths grow, they tend to associate themselves with peers of age rather than their parents. Peer pressure can be constructive or adverse depending on the social group associated with. According to Alan (2000), positive behaviors may include motivations such as the scholars assisting each other in education and team building in activities such as sports. The negative actions may consist of the peers engaging themselves to drug abuse such as smoking and consumption of alcohol, unprotected sex, and other dangerous activities.

The changes can also lead to long term effects such as brain developments, physical activities and cognitive changes. Brain development often involves specific processes such as changes in the prefrontal cortex and standard growth criteria of the individual which is the environment. According to Viner (2017), the methods are reinforced to affect cognitive processes such as social relationships, reasoning capabilities, and emotion control mechanisms. The neurodevelopmental progressions jeopardize the individual’s perceptions and may expose the teenagers to vulnerabilities and risks that cause an imbalance of the brain activities. For example, a long-term effect on cognitive processes may involve the ability to take risks. Some individuals are more likely to earn higher chances in life more than others or following the social imbalances, some individuals are more interactive compared to others.

Recent studies indicate that hostility and viciousness intensify vividly, at the central teenage years. Frequently, boys tend to be more aggressive than girls due to the increase in testosterone levels. The muscularity can be influenced by peer pressure from both genders either to show superiority complexity or to disturb the performances of others. The viciousness is affected by cognitive processes such as self-regulation to emotions.

The adolescence stage can intermittently cause depression and ultimately suicide. Following a recent study (2000), depression was found to be more familiar to the girls than on the boys. According to the study, the puberty stage was confirmed to predict foremost risks to depression than age. Teenagers may be vulnerable to depression due to factors such as been exposed to high-stress environments such as parents fighting and constant arguments. Likewise, teenagers can develop insignificant feelings such as low self-esteem due to poor school performance, under appreciations, weak social interactions and stumpy family relationships where the household does not follow on the children’s necessities and reactions. Depression in teens can result to effects such as loss of interest to regular co-curricular activities, withdrawal from friends, rebellious behaviors such as dropping out of school, a gradual drop in school performances and may also result to suicide.

From prospective research, the adolescent stage was linked to physical inactivity in adults. Some unhealthy behaviors in adults were rooted in teenage social-economic conditions. Following qualitative research, physical activities in sports, association to PE and other related activities found that most inactive individuals at their mature age were not exposed to such criteria on their teenage stage. Although individual factors such as the education background were considered to be optimal the remarks were confident. Therefore, the effects spot positive limelight on the areas that can be engrossed by the professionals during the developmental stages to not only improve the hypothetical performances of the teenagers but also ensure there is a cognitive balance to the individuals.

Gun Violence In America

The issue of gun violence has attracted a heated debate in the US. With time, people have advanced significantly in gun availability and the power to buy military-style firearms, which has led to more likelihood of criminals getting guns that they can use for mass destruction. Yet, burning gun ownership can be a significant issue since most civilians who buy firearms do so to ensure their protection and safety. Many supporters of gun ownership postulate that firearms do not kill, but individuals do, implying that firearms cannot pull the trigger themselves. Although firearms can offer self-defense capability, the government ought to control individuals who can buy them because individuals who are prohibited from having guns may engage in mass shootings, while the purchasers who buy the guns privately in the country do not have to be subjected to a background check prior to having or possessing the weapon. A lot of people exploit the right to use firearms and manipulate this tool ridiculously. Numerous people have lost their lives due to individuals that can obtain guns illegally or legally. The majority of crimes are committed with firearms, as shown by the 2016 statistics that about 58,188 crimes can be attributed to gun violence. Hence, this is a part of the reason why society needs to take care of who owns firearms as well as who buys them. An extensive gap exists between individuals who own gun rights as well as gun control in relation to political participation. According to the Second Amendment, Americans can own and have firearms.

The discussion majority of people are engaged in involves the fact that if there are gun restriction laws, they have more in regard to the Second Amendment doctrine. Stricter gun restrictions mean that a person could perceive that this could minimize gun-related crimes. New research has shown that gun violence is still a significant problem among the electorates. Accessibility of firearms is the most pressing problem that relates to the individual who is committing crimes. Incidents such as ultra-violent masculinity can heighten and result in consequences like violence. The continuous common culture and power of the media, as well as its relation to technology, society, and education, illustrates the extent of these tragic incidents.

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One way to reduce gun violence involves having more background checks and certifications for individuals who seek to have gun licenses and purchase a firearm. Another example involves the increase in the age of gun ownership. In the political sphere, the Republicans and Democrats seem to have no desire to address the issue, which was a significant issue throughout Obama’s administration. According to Lawrence William Sherman’s views on the issue, society does not have certain things, but there are ways we can utilize the current research to minimize gun violence. Also, he argues about the possible ways it is to come up with new legislation and to carry out more studies, which is desperately required. Although there are approaches where experiments can be carried out in law enforcement without more legislation, there are possibly no legislative suggestions that are sufficiently tried without having new laws. Also, Sherman asserts that we may witness state governors or legislators back the idea of firearm control and maybe pass a law (Sherman 13). Yet, having such new legislation would result in uproar and speculation by the individuals who support the right to bear guns.

Gun violence is a problem that should be addressed by new legislation, starting with the buying of firearms. According to Harold Polack, a Social Service Administration and Public Health Sciences professor at the University of Chicago, a basic issue for gun policy involves whether to emphasize the riskiest weapons or the individuals who present the biggest danger. He suggests that, in various ways, we should focus on both (Pollack). The various factors he proposes we examine regarding firearm policy to emphasize the riskiest firearms or individuals who also present a higher risk. Also, he generally proposes various theories we may examine to help minimize gun violence as well as avert many related deaths. Rightly comprehending the part of firearms and firearm culture in the widespread school shootings needs people to take seriously the importance of some firearm control as well as enhancing legislation relating to firearms access.

A major solution would most likely be doing background checks on individuals as well as using more particular tests for them to have permission to carry as well as be certified. One way we can begin is in case the authorities begin fingerprinting everybody who buys a firearm if they are qualified. In an interview, Kellner asserts that up until we adopt new ideas of what it implies to be a man, including independence, intelligence, sensitivity, as well as the rejecting violence and bullying, violence in society will certainly upsurge (Wyer). Also, the government can start making civilians certified to buy guns as well as ammunition. Individuals must always have their licenses on them so that they can produce them whenever they are asked to do so.

The choice of gun control will always exist. The majority of individuals have to comprehend that even if individuals will attempt and pressure the government regarding gun control as well as saying immaterial things, firearms will at all times be accessible no matter what. In case of gun control is adopted, everybody with a firearm will start concealing or selling them illegally. Everybody is embroiled in a debate on whether or not to have gun control. There are numerous reasons for not having gun control and having it. Gun control should not be adopted since it will not accomplish anything different to crime incidences other than increase them.

Cook emphasizes the differences methodologically, including the way they overestimate very fundamental facts associated with the insights into firearm use as well as how individuals misuse them. He also illustrates in another study how research in firearm-related violence has changed over the years, which is supported by his observations as well as the interpretation of his contributions. The study starts by summarizing the history of gun control in the 20th century US. Delving into this text, a clear inference supported by my research that dates back to the 1970s can be generally termed as more forearms leading to more homicide (Cook 21). Also, Cook explains why it is important to the kind of weapon an individual user carries out crime and the ownership cost associated with private guns. He then emphasizes the differences in methodology and the way they overstate very fundamental facts associated with the insights into gun use as well as misuse. Over the years, incarceration rates, as well as harsher punishments, have started to rise, and this allows for reducing gun violence rates.

Gun violence in the US is a countrywide issue that society seems to overlook. A lot of people exploit the use of firearms and manipulate their use with hardly any thought. Numerous lives have been lost due to individuals who can get guns legally or illegally. The majority of the crimes are carried out using guns, as shown in the 2016 statistics that around 58,188 crimes were a result of firearms. This is a major reason for wanting to watch out for individuals who own guns and who buy them. An extensive gap exists between individuals who preside over gun control and rights in relation to political debate or participation. According to the Second Amendment, Americans can keep as well as bear arms.

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