Exploring Apollo And Aphrodite’s Influence On Modern Western Culture

Introduction to Greek Mythology’s Influence

Greek mythology is in a lot more than you think. It shapes the Western culture we live in and the life we live by. You may think that finding the mythology in your everyday life may be hard, but it is really not. You only have to walk to the local bookshop, watch a major motion picture, look at a poster of a rocket name, and look online at Insect names. Even just go star-seeing, the constellations and the planets reflect Greek mythology. Let’s say you’re walking to the local antique store.

Then you notice a nice statue being sold. It depicts a scene of three women fighting over a golden apple. Little did you know, this was the apple of discord, and the three women were Athena, Aphrodite, and Hera. Or, possibly, you’re at QFC and want to find the chip section. On the way toward the chips, you stumble upon a beer called Zeus Imperial Ale. The logo is a hand holding a lightning bolt. The rocket named Titian III was named after the Titans from mythology, including the Titan II, Titan IIIB, and the Titan IIIM.

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These were not the only rockets with mythology names, either. Our Western culture revolves around Greek mythology, and some people might not even know it. Greek mythology is more important and impacting on Western culture than some people may realize. Without Greek mythology, life would not be like it is today.

Greek Mythology in Entertainment

Greek mythology is in a lot of things, including our entertainment. It is in the movies we watch, the comic books we read, and the TV shows we watch. It is really surprising how much Greek mythology is in Sponge-bob and DC comics. Greek mythology is everywhere! In movies, there is a lot of mythology. Disney made a movie called Hercules in 1997 (although it gets Greek mythology massively wrong), and there are countless movies about the fall of Troy, but what about movies that are not centered around Greek myths? Look at the Vulcans from Star Trek. Vulcans are humanoids from the planet Vulcan. They are named after the Greek god Hephaestus since the planet they inhabit is covered in volcanoes and metals.

Hephaestus is the Greek god of fire, and his Roman name was Vulcan, so it makes sense they would be named after him. Hephaestus also has a forge in a volcano. In TV shows, there is a lot of Greek mythology. In Spongebob, there is a king of the sea named King Neptune. He wields a trident and has a chariot of seahorses. This is similar to Poseidon, who also wields a trident and has a chariot of horses. It turns out Neptune is Poseidon’s Roman name. In an episode of SpongeBob, Neptune also has a son named Triton. Triton is Poseidon’s son in Greek mythology. In comic books, there is a lot of mythology. DC Comics’ Justice League has a lot of mythology.

The comic from Aqua Man called Whom Gods Destroy is where Aquaman gets stabbed in battle, and Aqua Man’s soul goes to the Greek underworld, where he fights his way to Hades to convince him to let him and Poseidon go. Aquaman is also similar to Poseidon because they both can control the sea and have tridents.’

Greek Mythology in Businesses

Greek mythology is in a lot of things, including business names and logos. It is in the names of companies we see, the logos we see, and the slogans they have. Greek mythology is amazing! In business names, there’s a lot of mythology. There is a woman’s clothes business named “Uraina Clothing for Women.” And they don’t even make clothes, just knee-high socks. It doesn’t make sense that she is used to it since she isn’t associated with knee-high socks and clothing in general.

There is also a place called “Aphrodite Cosmetics Australia.” The reason why it’s called this is because Aphrodite is a beautiful goddess, the prettiest of them all. In business logos, there is a lot of Greek mythology. Starbucks is very popular, but did you know that the logo for Starbucks is actually a siren? The reason is that this guy named Terry Heckler read lots of old marine books until he came upon the siren. He thought that the siren was as pretty as coffee itself. There is a place called Hermes in Paris, with a picture of a horse and carriage. There are lots of comments on it, and it seems like a very snobby place where you have to book a visit to buy a purse.

If you didn’t know, there’s lots of Greek mythology in slogans. There is a company called Ajax. Its slogan is “Stronger than dirt!” According to Greek mythology.com, it describes Ajax this way, “He was described as being particularly tall, extremely strong and fearless.” It makes sense to have the slogan Stronger than dirt because Ajax was really strong.

Greek Mythology in Science

Greek mythology is in a lot of things, including Science. It is in the names of the insects we see, the chemicals and rockets that exist, and the Animals there are. Greek mythology is omnipresent! In insect names, there’s so much Greek mythology it would surprise you! There is a beautiful butterfly named Aphrodite Fritillary Butterfly. This butterfly is attracted to violets, milkweeds, and thistles. It is named after the Greek goddess Aphrodite because she is the Greek goddess of love and beauty. Butterflies are beautiful, so it makes sense one would be named after her.

There is a beetle named the Hercules beetle. Hercules was very strong in mythology. This beetle can carry up to 850 times its body weight. In chemicals, rockets, and ores, there’s a lot of mythology. There is an ore named promethium. It is extremely rare, and it only has 500-600 grams of it on the earth’s crust. It’s named after Prometheus, the god who re-created mankind. It’s named after him because he stole fire from the gods and gave it to the humans. There is a rocket named Saturn V (Saturn 5).

It was the rocket going to the fifth moon of Saturn. Saturn is the Roman name for Cronus, and he ruled the Cosmos during the golden age after murdering his father, Ouranos. The reason it is named after him is that NASA wanted to keep the tradition of naming their rockets after Greek gods. There is also a rocket named the Titan III. The Titans were large Greek gods born from Uranus and Gaea. (Uranus, sky), (Gaea, Earth). In plant names, there’s lots of mythology.

The Aphrodite sweetshrub is named after the Greek goddess Aphrodite because the flower is so beautiful. As said before, Aphrodite usually represents something beautiful, like a butterfly or a flower. There is a flower called Hyacinth. Hyacinth was a character from Greek mythology who was in love with Apollo, and Apollo was also in love with him. They were playing a game of Discus when Hyacinth wanted to impress Apollo by catching it. The discus struck Hyacinth and killed him. The flowers named after him then grew from his blood.

Greek Mythology in Language

Greek mythology is in a lot of things, including Language. It is in the names of the Idioms we have, metaphors we have, and word etymology. Greek mythology is abundant! In the modern day, there are tons of Greek mythology references in metaphors. If you’ve ever heard the metaphor, it’s a Pandora’s box, then you know it means something negative. Pandora was a lady who was gifted a box by the Greek god Zeus. He said not to open it. Well, she opened it, and tons of bad stuff came out, like envy, hatred, old age, and even rage.

There is also a metaphor, Midas touch, that means someone who is successful in life or who gets money easily. King Midas got a gift from the sun god that made whatever he touched into gold. Greek mythology is also in the word etymology we use. A map is called an atlas, named after the Titan Atlas. Atlas had to hold the world on his shoulders. So, it would make sense to name someone who held the world on his shoulders after something that shows the world held in your hands. Cloth is named after the Greek god Clotho. Clotho was one of the three fates who spun the thread of life. So, it makes sense to name Cloth over someone who spun Cloth. Musical is named after the 9 Muses. The Muses were gods of music and art. It makes sense to name music after someone relating to music.

There was a guy named Okeanos. The Ocean is named after him because he was the god of the river Oceanus. His name is very similar to the Oceans name. There is tons of Greek mythology in word etymology! Greek Mythology Done Wrong Greek mythology is in a lot of different things, but is it always correct? NOPE. So, when is it done wrong? There is a boating company named Achilles Inflatable Boats. This is done wrong because Achilles was a person who got shot in his heel and died. So, technically, there was a hole poked into him, and he died. There is also a jewelry shop named Pandora Jewelry. Pandora was a woman who got a gift from the gods and was told not to open it. She opened it, and a bunch of evils escaped into the world. It doesn’t sound like a very nice thing to think about as you look at the Jewelry boxes, scaring you to open them.

There is also a Pandora music app (Like Google Music), which also fits under the category of “Mythology done wrong.” There is an airline called Icarus Airlines. Icarus was a person from Greek mythology who had wax wings and flew too close to the sun. His wings melted, and he fell into the Ocean. This is a bad name to give an Airline because it is inferring that the plane will fly too close to the sun and plummet to earth. There is a company called “Icarus Construction Solutions & Services.” I would not want this as a name for a company because it makes me think their building would melt or be really cheaply built.

Greek Mythology in Geography

Greek mythology is in a lot of things, including our Geography. It is in the mountains, places we see, and even famous landmarks. Greek mythology is awesome! If you live in Washington (which you do), you have probably heard of the Olympic mountains. What you might not have heard is that they are named after Mount Olympus. An English captain saw them and decided to name it Mt Olympus. Mount Olympus was the mountain all the Greek gods lived on. It was really tall, and no mortal could get to it because of how tall it was. There is a landmark in Australia called Zeus Ridge. Zeus was the ruler of all the Greek gods.

Zeus Ridge. There is also a landmark called Apollo Bay, named after the Greek god Apollo. Apollo was the Greek god of music, truth and prophecy, healing, the sun and light, and plague. There was also a landmark there named the Neptune Islands. Neptune is the Roman name for Poseidon.

Poseidon was god of the god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses. It makes sense to name the islands in the Ocean after the god of the Ocean. Conclusion Greek mythology has really impacted our Western culture. It shapes the way we talk, the way we have fun, what we call our landmarks, what we name businesses, and what we name insects and more. Life would not be the same without Greek mythology. The Aphrodite makeup fits together because of the fact that Aphrodite is really pretty. Calling the Hercules beetle, Hercules fit together because Hercules was really strong. Even the Vulcans Vulcans from Star Trek make sense.

Conclusion: The Ever-Present Role of Greek Mythology

So, what fits together in your life? Possibly the name of your neighbor’s dog. Or the name of the nearby lake, maybe even the logo of a local sports team. Time and time again, Greek mythology is in our Western culture. You must remember, your life and mine would not be the same without it. It’s time for you to start noticing the Greek mythology in your life. Now, go out and look for the Greek mythology in your life. The world outside your bedroom window is full of mythology. Go for it!


  1. Bulfinch, T. (1855). Bulfinch’s Mythology: The Age of Fable. Boston: Sanborn, Carter, Bazin & Company.
  2. Campbell, J. (1949). The Hero with a Thousand Faces. New World Library.
  3. Disney Pictures. (1997). Hercules. United States: Walt Disney Studios.
  4. Graves, R. (1955). The Greek Myths. London: Penguin Books.

Brutus’s Speech Analysis In Julius Caesar: Persuasion And Argumentation

Introduction: The Power of Persuasive Speeches

Persuasive speeches are quite a tool in order to sway the opinion of an uneducated individual. These speeches must have the power to reform a certain community’s opinion on such a topic that the giver of the speech presents. This form of essay writing follows a strict guideline that must be effective yet, at the same time, subtle in design and composition. They are formed using three such parts of any fundamental argument: the claim, the data, and the warrant. Toulmin’s Analysis perfectly configures this idea of using these parts of an argument instead of basing it on fellow logical models. This philosophy applies in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare. In this play, two of the main characters, Brutus and Mark Antony, give powerful speeches utilizing, to the tea, Toulmin’s Analysis.

Brutus’s Speech Analysis

In Act III Scene 2 of the play, Brutus steps up and gives a speech to the crowd below. At this time, the crowd has very mixed emotions, as some are enraged while others are calmer for their love of Brutus. In this scene, Brutus tells the crowd his claim for killing the great Julius Caesar. Brutus’s claim is essentially that, though he holds Caesar in such a high regard, his death is necessary in order to avoid the pure ambition of Caesar. Though he does not state all the evidence, saying it is in the Capitol, he does use one primary statement to restate and intensify his claim: “As/ Caesar loved me, I weep for him; as he was fortunate,/ I rejoice at it; as he was valiant, I honor him; but,/ as he was ambitious, I slew him.” In this portion of his speech, Brutus directly states Caesar’s nature, one containing only ambition, which Brutus highly believes is dangerous to not only the Senate but the entire Roman Empire. He is also able to spark a certain emotional connection with the crowd, as he openly admits his favorable opinion of Caesar, though his love for him is not as powerful as the one he has for Rome itself.

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As a persuasive speaker, Brutus incorporates the third piece of Toulmin’s Analysis to bring his speech from incomplete into a valid argument. In his warrant, Brutus asks the plebeians a simple yet effective question on the entire ordeal: “Had you rather Caesar were living, and die all/ slaves, than that Caesar was dead, to live all free men?” In this quote, Brutus taps right into the ignorance of the plebeians. The plebeians, in their delusion of seeing Caesar as “mighty and powerful” and wanting to make him king, do not take into account what would truly become of them. Brutus presents this idea so that their eyes may be opened to a harsh reality that would be set in stone if Caesar lived with such high power right in the palm of his hand. As such, all the parts of Brutus’s arguments are clearly identified and solidified using Toulmin’s Analysis.

Antony’s Speech Analysis

Going further with this quite powerful analytical tool, one other speech may be dissected into fundamental argumentative points: Mark Antony’s speech. After Brutus gives his speech, the plebeians are all praising Brutus, saying that he will be the next king. Antony, with a solemn look, brings in the body of Caesar. For about the next seven pages, from when he brings in the body towards the end of the scene, Antony gives a very powerful speech to those in attendance. In all his rambling and sympathetic mess of words, Antony has a distinguishable claim to his argument: Caesar is truly a great and honorable man without ambition existing in Caesar’s very nature. He has several forms of data to support his claim about Caesar; however, the most important piece of evidence that Antony gives is Caesar’s lifeless and blood-induced corpse: “Look, in this place ran Cassius’ dagger through; / See what a rent the envious Casca made; / Through this the well-beloved Brutus stabbed…/Quite vanquished him. Then burst his mighty heart…”

Antony, in his attempt at cajoling the crowd, shows them the hideous image of what truly transpired between Caesar and the conspirators. As easily as a pigeon feeds on a piece of bread, so does Antony feed on the crowd’s ignorance and present himself as the defender of a man with too many stab wounds to count. He seals off the argument with the warrant. In order to justify the fault in killing Caesar, Antony needs to validate his data; therefore, he uses Caesar’s will, which symbolizes the warrant in Toulman’s Analysis. Antony goads the crowd in him, reading the will. At this point, the crowd has become restless and wants him to read the will to them, which he eventually pursues: “Here is the will, and under Caesar’s seal. /To every Roman citizen he gives, /To every several men, seventy-five drachmas.” The commoners, upon hearing this decree, are now infuriated. They see how valiant and honorable Caesar was, and Julius’s death was one of unjustifiable precautions. As such, Antony successfully completes the job he came to do, shed a bad light on the conspirators in order to make Caesar look favorable. He does all this using the basic principles found in Toulmin’s Analysis.

Comparison and Impact of Speeches

Looking back on these two speeches, it is crystal clear to see that one speech is highly superior to the other. That speech is, of course, Antony’s. Though both speeches are formidable and influential, Antony’s has the most notable impact, which can be seen later in the play when most of the plebeians end up fighting on Antony’s side. From a logical perspective, Brutus is definitely lacking one of the most essential aspects of Toulman’s Analysis: the data. Though he says that Caesar, while alive, is ambitious, he does not have sufficient reasoning to support this: “The question of/ his death is enrolled in the Capitol; his glory not/ extenuated, wherein he was worthy, nor his offenses/ enforced, for which he suffered death.” In this scene, he does not tell the crowd all the exact reasons why Brutus and the conspirators killed Caesar. The only thing that Brutus is relying on is his favorable image as a valiant Roman. This bond that the crowd and Brutus have is like a temporary bandage, which Antony rips right off when he comes up to speak. Right at the beginning of the speech, Brutus’s argument collapses as soon as Antony speaks of Caesar’s non-ambitious demeanor.

He makes valid points on how Caesar did what he did not for the benefit of his power but for the benefit of Rome itself, which is now a destroyed dream because of Brutus’s and the conspirator’s violent actions. Another scene in which Brutus’s argument comes to a complete crumble is where Antony begins to characterize himself, with a noticeable motive behind it: “But (as you know me all) a plain blunt man/ That love my friend…/ For I have neither wit, nor words, nor worth…nor the power of speech/ To stir men’s blood…/ Show you sweet Caesar’s wounds…/ In every wound of Caesar that would move/ The stone of Rome will rise and mutiny.” Unlike Brutus, who makes himself seem like a person of righteous value for protecting Rome from an inevitable dictatorship, Antony uses a different tactic: make himself seem as if the commoners and he is on equal terms. He flat-out claims that he is no orator like Brutus but a plain man who simply loves Caesar as the commoners all deeply inside do. The motive behind Antony’s words is to light a violent and emotional response in the commoners, which he mentions by saying that Rome “will rise and mutiny.” With him presenting his speech in such a way that presents himself as a fellow Roman instead of a “high and valiant man” as Brutus does, Antony’s speech surpasses Brutus’s, as Antony masterfully creates a ripple effect among the citizens that has a much more significant influence over the crowd, which makes Brutus’s speech look weak in comparison.

Conclusion: Toulmin’s Analysis in Action

Though these two speeches vary greatly, they both follow the strict guidelines constituted by Toulmin’s Analysis. Persuasion and evidence are always key in any argument, which Brutus and Antony try to utilize in order for others to perceive them in a respectable manner. In conclusion, analyzing these two speeches really sets forth the ideals of the modern rhetorician Stephen Toulmin and his now-famous Toulmin’s Analysis, which can be easily seen in Antony’s and Brutus’s speeches through careful Analysis and observation.         


  1. Shakespeare, William. “The Tragedy of Julius Caesar.” Project Gutenberg, 1990, www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/1120.
  2. Toulmin, Stephen E. “The Uses of Argument.” Cambridge University Press, 2003.
  3. Woodward, David. “Rhetoric and Persuasion in Julius Caesar.” Literature/Film Quarterly, vol. 7, no. 1, 1979, pp. 15-26. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/43798168.
  4. Miller, Arthur G. “The Nature of Persuasion: A Study of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar.” Theoria: A Journal of Studies in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, vol. 19, no. 1, 1962, pp. 69-77. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/41800984.
  5. Bevington, David M. “The Art of Shakespeare’s Verse.” Harvard University Press, 1992.
  6. Dilworth, Thomas J. “Shakespeare and Aristotle: Overlapping Forms and Ways of Thinking in Julius Caesar.” Studies in Philology, vol. 101, no. 1, 2004, pp. 41-56. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/4174654.
  7. Harkins, Richard P. “Rhetorical Philosophy and Rhetorical Method in Julius Caesar.” College English, vol. 35, no. 6, 1974, pp. 663-676. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/375601.

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