“In my first post this year on this very special day for women, Women’s Day, I’m going to tell you all about gender discrimination and problems females are going through. When I was recently going through speeches by famous people, I got connected to a speech which I recently heard- it is that of Hilary Clinton, where she refers to the lives of women as the “issues that matter the most”. You might be thinking she is a woman so she is calling it an issue that matters the most. Probably! But it is actually a burning issue that is ruining the lives of women. Women, including young girls, are going through such throbbing episodes in their life like rape, violence, murder, and many other incidents which the society is least bothered.
People often tell “gone are those days when women sit at home and behave as if their family was the only world they know! Women are now into almost all the fields of work, from the lowest position to the top most position of the company!” Do you think those days are actually gone? Maybe it reduced to a certain extent in certain places. That’s it!
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There is discrimination everywhere, in workplace, society, justice and many other places. Do you know why females are being discriminated? Women have low literacy rate. Women get lower education; do you know why is it happening? It is because the society thinks that women are weak. They are competing with men even when they are paid lower than men, even when they work more than men. So, being motivated is weak? But, where does this mindset come from? Men think that women aren’t smart as they are, therefore not important, so we don’t require higher levels of education. And that is why we can’t be as smart as men are! I think this can be put in a cycle.
Every man needs women at some or the other point of time in their life, actually from the time of birth! I really don’t know how men can overlook the fact that they’ve been raised by a woman whom they address as a mother, before they think low of a woman. Won’t you be angry if someone discriminates against your wife or girlfriend or sister or daughter? Won’t you fight against this saying that they are no less! Oh, so you’re only concerned about your family! The Indian pledge says “All Indians are my brothers and sisters”, we say that just for the formality or maybe for the sake of vowing which just comes out of our mouth but we don’t mean it? If we mean it, we should be helping our sisters from being discriminated, right?
When we are treated low by people, why should we stay tongue-tied, when we can fight against this!? There are many ways to bring down this problem. One such way is teaching. Teaching is the most effective way to prevent the gender discrimination and molestation of women from re-happening in the next generations. Giving the correct mindset? Maybe that’s what teaching actually means! There is a famous saying that “when a kid can’t be moulded, it is difficult for us to expect the grown-ups to be moulded”, so it should be made sure that we give correct inputs at the root. In other words, kids should be taught that gender is only for identification and for reproduction or else there is no difference between boys and girls and between men and women and between male and female. If this mindset is planted well on to the new generations, for sure gender discrimination wouldn’t exist. Now it’s your turn to think if this was useful. There is no time to contemplate anymore, it’s now the time for you to act and protect all the females around you from facing any kind of discrepancy!”
Colonial Boycott And American Revolution
“In my eyes i believe the american revolution was structurally based upon taxes which is the reason for the phrase “No taxation without representation”. The reason for the taxing was because at the time the british hierarchy was in dept so they decided to tax the colonies even more than they already was. And the colonies were not having that, so the colonist civilians decided to revolt on the king. The exact reason for no taxation without representation was based upon the stamp act
The stamp act was a tax on all printed material, the colonist had to pay taxes on each printed good they bought. In result of this samuel adams formed a protest group to protest the new tax, inevitably ending the printed material taxes. Which didn’t settle well with the king and his people. So they decided to change the tax too all imported goods will be taxed, which was called the townshend act. The colonist decided to stop buying the imported goods. The daughters of liberty was a formal women patriots association, it was formed in 1765.
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These women protested the stamp act, and later they started protesting the townshend acts to stop imported goods from being taxed. They also bypassed the act by making tea and cloth so the colonies wouldn’t have to buy and get taxed from buying imported goods. They were a marvel in the 1700’s and helped america through its toughest hardship.
The colonial boycott, this organization protested british goods. This protest worked really well because it damaged the britain’s economy from people not buying there taxed goods. The colonist demanded the law to be appealed, so in march 1766 the law was repealed from british rule. These heroes were a big part in american revolution because they showed the british that they cant mess with america however, the british decided it wasn’t over. King george the 2nd ordered british troops and warships too the colonies.
The boston massacre wasn’t left unheard by everyone, as a result of the colonists protest the british decided to repeal all taxes except the tax on tea. The Tea Act said that the British East India Company was the only company allowed to sale tea to the colonists. Angry Boston colonists led by Samuel Adams dressed as Mohawk Indians and threw a load of tea off a British ship into Boston Harbor. This event became known as the Boston Tea Party. That action caused Britain to punish Boston further.
The reaction from the british to the Boston Tea Party, Parliament placed a series of laws known as the Intolerable Acts to punish the people of Boston. The people of Boston were ordered to feed and house British soldiers, Massachusetts was put under the control of Thomas Gage, and the port of Boston was closed until the people of Boston paid for the tea they destroyed. The Intolerable Acts had two effects, closing of the port hurt businesses that depended on trade and many people were out of work, but it also had a positive effect, it forced colonists to take sides. Those that supported the people of Boston became known as Patriots. Those that wanted to stay loyal to King George 3rd and Britain became known as Loyalists.
In response to the Intolerable Acts, Americans representing 12 colonies met in Philadelphia for the First Continental Congress. They voted to stop trading with Britain until the Intolerable Acts were repealed, and to start training colonists to fight. In March 1775 Patrick Henry made the most famous speech of his career. Henry warned Virginia’s militias to prepare for war with Britain. “”I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”” were the last words spoken at the meeting by Patrick Henry. War was inevitable.”