(HEALTHCARE) about EMR/EHR now and in 2025

(HEALTHCARE) about EMR/EHR now and in 2025.

(HEALTHCARE) about EMR/EHR now and in 2025 Respond to 2 students 250 words each and include a reference with each about Electronic Medical Records now and in the year 2025…
Student#1 After reading all 4 scenarios for primary care, by 2025 and reading several articles. I believe the U.S. healthcare system will represent scenarios 1 and scenarios 4 due to the rapid changes in technology. With the electronic health records (EHR) and new technologies emerging this will improve quality of care, while reducing cost, and by allowing patients to monitor, record, and participate in their own preventive care, progress, and which will produce better outcome for each individual needs (Ginter, P.M.; Duncan, W.J.; Swayne, L.E. 2013). New technology will make it easier for patients to address their questions and concern by phone or online access to their physician directly. Based on today’s issue due to cuts in the federal health care spending, Medicare restricting payments to hospitals that perform sufficient amount of surgical procedures where this is known to result in better outcomes, and the global debit crisis which has put the country in a recession with healthcare being hit the harder due to millions of Americans are still uninsured, employees are paying higher premium and out of pocket for health care has contributed to the lack of affordable health insurance, and high quality of care (Ward, M.; Daniels, S.A.; Walker. G.J.; and Duckett, S. 2007). Even though physicians are more likely to receive a financial incentive for improving on the quality of care while controlling the volume of service they provide and deliver (Ward, M.: Daniels, S.A.; Walker, G.J.; and Duckett, S. 2007). In my scenarios in health care in 2025 will be due to people are starting to live, longer, and healthy lives due to becoming more involved in their own preventive care by changing their eating habits and exercising more. I believe within the next 10 to 15 years that majority of Americans will receive free preventive maintain services; safer hospitals; ability to access their own medical records; more affordable health care with lower increases in insurance premiums; more information about prices on diagnosis codes, procedures codes, and quality of care (Ezekiel, E. 2014). With Electronic health records (EHR) and new technology emerging with be a major tool in helping patients monitor their own blood pressure, glucose levels, and participate more in their own health care while increasing patient contact by phone, email, or online with their personal physicians without having to wait for hours for a response. There concerns can be addressed more quickly. Student#2 Healthcare has come a long way in such a short period of time and will continue on this model of rapid growth within the next few years as well. This is not only to the medical breakthroughs and techniques which are utilized but also the health care field and client based experiences which patients rely on. These changes encompass accessibility through technology as well as government regulations in medicine. After reading through the perspectives, perspectives 1 and 4 seem to not only be the most likely, but also can be reflected with our current healthcare systems we have in place. It is already possible for patients to receive care through the use of technology. A bad example of this would be the use of WebMD by patients to self diagnose their illnesses by searching through a poorly curated database (Funt, 2011) .The answer to this in recent years has been the ability, presented by some companies, to be able to live chat and even video conference with healthcare professionals in order to better diagnose minor illnesses. The issue with this is that at this point in time, these tools are only available to some based on either the company they work for and or the insurance plan that they have. In the year 2025 it can be foreseen that the healthcare industry will have the ability to go paperless with the use of electronic medical records and electronic health records as standard practice. “We have point-and-click instead of having to write long notes, which reduces the time it takes to chart and gives them more time with patients,” said Tammy S. Hogue, a registered nurse at the heart hospital (Paperless, 2004, 449) . This in conjunction with the use of these e doctors would allow for patients to become more involved with the healthcare process. This will allow those who have access or authorization such as health care professionals in different fields to view and share medical records about mutual patients in order for them, as well as the patient, to better understand their medical standing.
The issue of accessibility to healthcare is not only addressed through the internet but also the government’s ability to provide affordable solutions to patients. As the population of the US gains access to affordable healthcare solutions, there will be an influx in patient care in doctors offices and emergency rooms even in the case of non emergencies. As stated in Journal of Biomedical Informatics, “This type of telemedicine system guarantees patient supervision while reducing costs (enabling more autonomous patient care and avoiding hospital overflows). Furthermore, patients’” quality of life and empowerment are improved” (Lasierra, N., Alesanco, A., Guillén, S., & García, J, 2013, pg 516). This can only be done if patients are educated correctly on preventative measures and health care practices. This will allow for a healthier population with greater accessibility to healthcare professionals.

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(HEALTHCARE) about EMR/EHR now and in 2025

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