“Initial Impressions of Psychology and the Law” Please respond to the following:Identify two (2) common types of mental health problems, as well as two (2) common causes of mental health problems

“Initial Impressions of Psychology and the Law” Please respond to the following:Identify two (2) common types of mental health problems, as well as two (2) common causes of mental health problems.

“Initial Impressions of Psychology and the Law” Please respond to the following:

Identify two (2) common types of mental health problems, as well as two (2) common causes of mental health problems (use your text or the Internet to help you).
Taking this information, I want you to choose ONE  of the 3 cases listed on page 30 of the text.  Use the information from chapter 2 to help you answer the question associated with your case.  So for instance, if you are considering the case for parole, you want to consider the factors of risk and violence assessment.  
Please remember to review my discussion rubric so that you understand what I am looking for in these discussions. 

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“Initial Impressions of Psychology and the Law” Please respond to the following:Identify two (2) common types of mental health problems, as well as two (2) common causes of mental health problems

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