Role Of Women And Men In Professional Sphere

On June 10, 1963, the equal pay act bill was passed preventing any business to unfairly wage workers based on sex. The law states that “No employer having employees subject to any provisions of this section shall discriminate, within any establishment in which such employees are employed, between employees on the basis of sex by paying wages to employees in such establishment at a rate less than the rate at which he pays wages to employees of the opposite sex in such establishment for equal work on jobs, the performance of which requires equal skill, effort, and responsibility, and which are performed under similar working conditions, except where such payment is made pursuant to (i) a seniority system; (ii) a merit system; (iii) a system which measures earnings by quantity or quality of production; or (iv) a differential based on any other factor other than sex.” men and women should be paid the same because It’s a worldwide Problem , Women Should Not Have to Choose Between being a mother and getting paid , and Equal Pay Can Help End Poverty.

Others argue that men and women should not be paid the same because there are more men than women in the workforce, women are usually in low-income service jobs and women are less educated than men, getting lower degrees and earning compared to men. However, these statements are false because “nearly 71 million women are employed and makeup 47% of the labor force. Women make up large percentages of managerial, professional, technical and related occupations. In fact, 55% of working women are employed in professional and technical jobs.” (Why women don’t deserve equal pay 2017, February.) Women graduating college has increased 120% between 1976 and 2014, and now surpasses that of men by about 3 million. women have been getting more advanced degrees than men since 1981.”women have been earning more doctoral degrees than men since 2006, They earned 52% of doctoral degrees in 2014, up from 11% in 1971 and women account for 47% of law school students, up from 4.2% in 1963, and the number of women in medical school has increased from 6% in 1960 to 48% in 2016.” (Why women don’t deserve equal pay 2017, February.)

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“More than 145 countries have documented a gender pay gap according to the World Economic Forum. Its 2015 study outlines an important topic; what amounts to wage difference later in life in some cases, can start early in life with differences in access to higher education, political influence, and work opportunities.”(Press Releases. n.d.). Sexism is directly associated with financial inequality, which can weaken the sustainability of growth in a country. Women who don’t get equal pay directly add to economic inequality, greater holes in the labor force and contribution rates between women and men lead to inequality of pay, unfair income, and earnings. Ending the sex wage gap between men and women can result in higher equality for the general savings distribution. Caregiving and childbirth should be a joint responsibility between both parents, however, women still tackle the majority of the parenting duties everywhere. “Additionally from having to take time off of work for being a mother, the inequality pay gap continues to be sexist when women return to their jobs.

Women have earned a third less after childbearing, while men earn 6% more after having children. Globally, the income gap is greater for women with kids.” Emir, A. (2018). 5. “In sub-Saharan African and South Asia, women earn over 30% less than men once they have children. This is double the gender wage gap of single women in these regions. On average, caregivers miss 6.6 work days a year,” (10 Reasons Women Need Equal Pay, And Are Still Fighting For It. N.d.). The loss of income contributes to a bigger price for businesses around $17 to $33 billion a year. And since it is not possible to get rid of children or parents, out of the time leaving their jobs is a devastating parent’s last resort. Even though the FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) lets their parent workers take up to about three-month leave from their workplace, most mothers don’t get any income during that period. And for the mothers who overwhelmingly have to leave work permanently due to parent duties, the estimated total loss is to be around $324,000 for women (including any taxes they would have earned) and only a little less for men. Parent responsibility is today’s problem just like caregiving was in the 1980s.

Employers need to realize and adjust to the reality that so many moms today have important parenting responsibilities at their home. Because at the end of the day when it comes to deciding between jobs and children, there is absolutely no choice at all. Removing the gender pay gap can give between $12 trillion and $28 trillion to world GDP by 2025. This is a severe opportunity for men and women to equalize their pay. Another report indicates that poverty could fall by 50% in America if the gender wage gap were to close. Relentless income inequality for women that are working leads to lower salaries, lower house incomes, and increased poverty within families with a working woman, this does not have a small impact on working families. Approximately 71 percent of all moms in America work for income. About two-thirds of the 71 percent are married and usually have access to their husband’s earnings, but a married women’s income is indeed vital to family support. One-third are single moms and are mostly the only income they have for their family.

And some without kids, both single and married, work to provide for themselves and other members of the family. So, who wins and who loses by having this routine of unequal income? Well, its crystal clear who loses: every woman in this workforce. Although what may not be so obvious is how much the government takes a loss also. “Pretend 45 million women work; assume they lose at least $900 a month in result to the pay gap, and let’s say the minimum tax rate is 11%.”(dpeaflcio) So, who actually wins? There is no other answer than, corporate America and they win a lot. By restraining the working women’s income, they increase their wages and lower the pay to the government in taxes, and pay way less in worker addition to income plans for all women.“If women are expected to do the same work as men, we must teach them the same things.”-Plato considering women are now performing the same work and being taught the same steps as men wouldn’t it be about time that they were being paid the same income?

A Social Workers In The United States

On February 14th 2011, twins Nubia and Victor Barahona fell victim to their abusive father. The children were found locked in their father’s truck in West Palm Beach, Florida. Nubia was dead and Victor has severe chemical burns all over his tiny body. An anonymous tip was called into the child abuse hotline but the social worker Andrea Fleary was so backlogged with cases that it took her 4 days to conduct a welfare check. That was precious time taken to save these innocent children. The system failed them. I believe that social workers are under paid, over loaded with cases and are not provided with adequate mental health resources. These injustices are causing not only the employees to suffer, but the children as well.

A social worker in the United States has a very important job. According to Brad Forenza, who did a case study on twelve active social workers and wrote his findings in ‘Social Worker Identity: A Profession in Context’, “Social work is often defined as a helping profession: Social workers help individuals, families, and groups restore or enhance their capacity for social functioning, and work to create societal conditions that support communities in need”. Guided by the NASW Code of Ethics, social workers strive to “enhance human well-being and help meet the basic human needs of all people, with particular attention to the needs and empowerment of people who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty”. Historically, social workers have focused and operated their work in the context of service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, importance of human relationships, integrity, and competence” (Forenza).

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Social injustices happen in many forms, in our everyday lives. A social injustice is when unfair practices are affecting society. It is the deprivation of basic human rights, which cause a negative outcome. Some of the most common are discrimination of color, race, gender, and religion. The uncommon social injustice issues are as equally important but rarely make it to mainstream media. All social injustices are malignant to our country. The act robs people of the dignity and eliminates to the right for equal opportunity.

Social workers are operating in an environment full of social injustices. To become a social worker you must obtain at least a four-year degree from a university. Obtaining a degree costs around $30,000 in today’s market. Educational debt is on the rise and social workers are not paid enough when compared to other professionals with equal amounts of schooling. According to a study done by Ohio State University, “having lower pay than other helping professionals may create a future social work labor shortage. The number of social work job openings is projected to grow by 12 percent over the next decade; this is faster than average compared with other careers; the average growth rate is 7 percent for all occupations. Furthermore, the projected labor growth may vary by practice area. Individuals with a heavy burden of student debt may elect to enter social work professions outside of the public sector (for example, child protective services) to earn a sufficient wage to pay their student loans.” So, there is a labor shortage because current social workers seek other employment to better suit their needs. On the other side, students with a heavy debt amount will take on more cases in a desperate attempt to make more money to pay off loans, creating an over worked employee. Experts caution that there is a lack is evidence to support that the allegations that social workers are underpaid, but on the contrary the annual wage growth is a meager .08% while the state minimum wage continues to rise at least .10% yearly. Those statistics speak for themselves. Every year when the state minimum wage rises, the cost of living goes up. We pay more for goods and services to offset the companies paying their employees more of an hourly wage. But social workers, which protect the rights of those without a voice, are not given the same opportunity.

These workers are forced to cut back spending to keep up with rises prices because they are not given an equal wage increase. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported in 2018 that the average social worker in California makes $43,100 a year or $22 an hour. Making a comfortable living sustainable with that salary while paying back student loans isn’t particularly inviting to newcomers with its not so promising pay, inflexible hours, less than easy case load and high burn out rate. It’s a tough job. Society and the government ignore the fact that these professionals are going into that field with the willingness to eat dinners from vending machines and to be buried in enough paperwork everyday to make their heads explode. According to author Mark Rowe who wrote an article for the magazine Geographical titled “The Gender Gap” in 2017, the United Nations has proposed to eliminate women inequality by 2030. It has been proposed that gender norms need to be reconstructed. The idea of the UN is to put more women in legislature, to go against jobs that have gender norms by putting more men in perceived women’s roles such as nurses to care givers, and creating equal pay. But as Rowe points out, not everyone has the same views. Some argue that it’s not an economic issue and shouldn’t be taken so seriously. “…pointing out the economic benefits that arise from gender equality would appear to be an obvious approach but many voices argue this risks diluting non-negotiable human rights. Dr Torunn Wimpelmann a researcher at the Chr. Michelsen Institute at the University of Bergen, Norway, is sceptical of using economic arguments to persuade those holding conservative social mores to address gender inequality. ‘I’m not a big fan of saying that economic development makes the case for women’s rights,’ she says. ‘This doesn’t have to be justified in economic terms, it should be an objective in its own right. It doesn’t take us anywhere to say [to opponents of women’s rights] “you may not agree with it but it’s important for the economy” (Rowe).

Social workers are constantly in the news for negative reasons. When a child, an elderly patient, and/or someone under the supervision of protective services is injured or killed, the immediate blame falls on the caseworker. It takes compassion and understanding to realize that it’s not always the intentional neglect of the social worker, but that the social worker was spread too thin with responsibility and unable to provide adequate care and attention necessary. The department of Children and Families is open 24/7 and receives around 1000 calls a day to their tip lines in California alone. Those calls all require investigations. One social worker may not be able to handle the volume of work that is being presented in the constricting time frame given. This pressure creates a rushed job and very important red flags to be missed. For example, according to an article published by Fox News in early in 2016, a toddler’s body was found decomposing at an apartment in Detroit. His mother was unable to be located for two weeks, until she was later found to have checked herself into a mental facility after murdering her son. The tragic case lead to charges against two workers from Child Protective Services.

The worker explains that their already tough jobs are constantly made more difficult because of the lack of available resources in Wayne County, such as understaffing and well-publicized problems with the state’s child welfare information system called MiSACWIS. “The system goes down, information is lost, information is placed in other cases,” says the CPS worker. “We are critically understaffed,” the worker adds. “They can hire 40 people in one month and, by the time they get out of training school, it’ll be about three people left.” The worker exaplains that this always leads to a case worker being overloaded with work. “There are people that leave every day and we gain their caseload. So, we can have anywhere from 12 to 25. It depends.” According to the consent decree, CPS workers are not supposed to have more than 13 at any given time.” These case workers did everything in their power to protect this child but because of the lack of authority the child’s life was taken. It becomes a witch hunt and these two case workers were put into jail and charged. The system not only failed the child, but the employees. This young child’s life was taken because these social workers had limited power to remove the child and now their having to defend themselves because of it. It’s an unjust and outrageous circle of a system.

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