As the thirst for new technology thrives, the market for the tech doubles in volume each year. A larger market needs a larger supply and the tech giants are delivering, on their promise.
The arguably most socially disturbing tech company is Tesla, Inc. formerly Tesla Motors. Founded in 2003, and by 2008 they released their first all-electric car, which kicked off the whole entire phenomenon, now regarded as the most relevant tech giant.
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Self-driving cars are safer, better and won’t get tired. The main advantage of having an operating a self-driving car will create a safer road condition for everyone. Traffic and fuel efficiency will improve greatly. And, they will allow the operator to have more free time to conduct anything they might need to do.
The advantages of self-driving cars and their future. In the US, there are over 30,000 traffic-related deaths per year. Self-driving cars could reduce the number of human error related accidents, that in turn could save thousands of lives. “”There’s huge potential in making traffic safer which it is today,”” Coelign Said. This is one of the big reasons for us that we entered this field.”” If 90% of the cars on the American roads were autonomous, the number of accidents would fall from 6 million a year to 1.3 million annually. Deaths would in turn also fall to an all-time low from 33,000 down to 11,300. That is factoring the remaining 10% of non-self-driving cars that would be the main factor of car deaths. Self-driving cars don’t have human tendencies while, nice for the character, they are flawed. As humans, we can become distracted, dazed or narcoleptic, or a host of different issues that can cause useless death on the American roads. Artificial Intelligence that controls the brains of the cars that are on the road that deals with the self-driving part aren’t subject to these deficiencies. “”Self-driving cars will be more efficient, even if the power source is an internal combustion engine, hydrogen cell, or battery cell tech.
The potential for energy efficiency is greater than an average human driver. When all cars become fully automated, there will be a lower chance of accidents caused by human error. Thus, lower traffic congestion, it’s also expected that the rise of autonomous Taxi vehicles will lower the number of cars on the road. In theory leads to less pollution, waste and harsh emissions. Since driverless cars will be managed by a computer, with an artificial intelligence compound, then they can be programmed to optimize their efficiency in Acceleration and Braking. Moreover, they will help to improve fuel efficiency, in turn, reduced carbon emissions Another fact is that adoption of self-driving cars could reduce C02 emissions produced by cars, in the amount of 300 million tons annually. Self-driving cars can be liberating, due to popular belief, Self-driving cars take away the driving aspect to transport and take away a human’s independence.
With the self-driving cars doing most of the driving, if not all of the driving, you will be free to make the most of your spare time spent in the car instead of having to use that time to drive. Since traffic congestion will reduce, it will likely take you less time on your commute and will be able to get to your destination faster, giving you time to do more valuable things with your time instead of having to captain a vehicle down the highway. As a driver, you can get back your time,”” Coelingh said. “”And you can use it in a better way than just staring at the car in front of you.”” According to McKinsey, commuters worldwide could save a combined 1 billion hours every day once self-driving cars go mainstream. Autonomous cars will eradicate daily human error related accidents.
The leading causes of driver-related accidents are driver error. Followed by alcohol, drugs, speeding, aggressive driving, over-compensation, inexperience, and a host of human-related flaws. 40% of accidents can be traced to abusing alcohol, drugs. Since cars are unable to take drugs and, or drink alcohol they are exempt from this. Which directly can eliminate 40% of accidents per year. The Eno study found that if only 10% of all cars were self-driving many of the accidents will seize to exist, in fact, 211,000 accidents would be prevented per year. Saving roughly 1,000 lives in the process, reducing the economic cost of automobile repair. If 90% of cars were self-driving, then 4.2 million accidents could be prevented; 22,000 lives would be protected in the process, then it would eliminate 400 billion of the costs that are involved in the auto repair. Overall this is good news, however; your local repairman might not be so keen to see that his fancy shop is no longer needed, and they will lose a lot of business. Increasing your local highways capacity without adding time to your commute by road work.
Increased highway capacity, once one car stops then every car has to, which leads to traffic congestion. More cars can be on the highway at the same time because they will need to occupy less space on the highway by having computer controlled regular spaced travel distance from cars and equal distance spaced intervals. Results of a Columbia University study showed that highway capacity, measured in vehicles per lane, could be increased nearly 12,000, given a scenario in which 100% of the cars on the highway were self-driving and communication with each other through an open channel system, all while traveling at 75 miles per hour. Comparing to about 3,000human driven vehicles per hour per lane. This is going to happen because the safe vehicle distance could reduce to 16 Ft. for self-driving vehicles going 75 miles per hour. In contrast to over the 115 Ft. needed for a safe stopping distance. Reduces the daily challenge of finding a parking spot in the sea of never-ending cars in a mall ‘s parking lot.
Once you decide you want to go out to the mall to do some shopping, you get to the mall and try to find a parking spot, but fail to find one, then you have to wait for someone to leave to squeeze into that spot. Self-driving cars won’t care and can literally wait for days. Autonomous cars can be programmed to let you off at the entrance of your destination, then go on to park themselves and once you’re ready to go they can be remotely summoned back to pick you up where they dropped you off at.
All while freeing you from the annoying task of parking spot hunting. It doesn’t matter how far the cars parking spot is because you’re not going to have to walk back to the car, it can come and get you instead of the other way around. Moreover, a structure could possibly be designed to exist on less real estate because they need for an abundance of lateral parking spaces would have vanished. In return, your shopping experience has just gotten a whole lot better. Self-driving cars can also appeal to an older and younger generation.
Self-driving cars can improve the mobility of children, disabled and elderly. Children that might have aging parents are relinquished from the possibility of having to take time off of work to take their parents to doctor’s appointments or their weekly bingo session. If someone is disabled and can’t see, walk, or are just older, their reflexes and memory can be negatively affected. Which can concern their loved ones about them driving and operating a vehicle, with a self-driving vehicle this can lessen the burden of a family having to coordinate transportation for their loved ones. By programming the self-driving car to operate by itself and be able to take your family members to their destination, then park themselves while they are doing whatever they need to accomplish and then return to pick them up when their done will the change the lives of those who are limited by transportation.
With all the cars on the road being capable of self-driving then the need for traffic enforcement officers will diminish. When every car is connected to the grid and driving itself then, all traffic protocols will be programmed to be followed, speeding, running red lights and stop sign will be a product of the past. A cop sitting on the side of the road to measure vehicle speed will no longer be needed, cause all of these self-driving vehicles will be programmed to follow all rules so any enforcement will not be a need or required, this allows police officers to focus on other pressing matters. This also applies to the need of police patrolling or being dispatched for accident or the need for emergency services to be dispatched for vehicle accidents since there will be little to none to attend to. With the adoption of self-driving cars, speed limits can be raised.
With all the cars in talk with each other, they will know where and how fast everyone on the road is traveling compared to itself. All the self-driving cars will be programmed to recognize each one of them and react accordingly since speed limits were put in place to keep people safe and avoid car related accidents. All the cars will be programmed to maintain specific speed intervals between each other, they will also be able to know what another car is about to do before it actually does it and can accommodate resources to make any changes efficient. Since mechanical computation can outweigh our human brain and have massively overpowered reflexes compared to us mere humans. The need to accommodate human reflexes on the roads will be eliminated. Leading to cars being able to have high cruising speed with no side effects. Performance increases as the technology improve.
When cars are fully self-driving, they can become lighter and more versatile, gaining agility and sport. A majority of cars on the roads currently weigh more and more to accommodate strict safety regulations, automakers are required to meet certain regulatory requirements. To do so they incorporate heavy steel beams and structural components and heavy-duty door materials to provide protection in the event of an accident. Since self-driving cars will crash less often; accidents will be eliminated, and so the need to build cars to withstand these common crashes will no longer need to exist. This means that these cars can be produced to be lighter and more agile, which will make them more fuel efficient, and since you won’t have to be concerned about mechanics placement of the mechanisms for your car you will be able to arrange the interior any way you want.
Self-driving cars will save space in future smart cities and districts. Self-driving cars will play a key role in future smart designed cities, the way they operate will even impact the way the infrastructure is designed and built. Today’s parking lots require the cars to be parked with enough space for drivers and passengers to be able to exit the vehicle. Self-driving cars will negate the need for this parking lot feature to exist since they will be parking themselves and don’t have an actual physical being that has to leave the car they can park closer together and create smaller requires parking spaces. It is estimated that driverless cars can be parked with 15 percent less than the required space in the garage or lot, thus leading to a massive reduction in parking lot sizes and increasing the efficiency of the lot in the process.
Self-driving cars are better for the environment. Self-driving cars have the potential to reduce the consumption of fuel and the production of harmful gases. It reduces the carbon footprint that millions of cars are producing on a day today. In result, lowering the greenhouse gases and keeping our planet safer. Self-driving cars are good at one thing and that Automation, and integrating into a car sharing network and example of this is Uber’s self-driving Volvo SUV’s in select markets are beginning to debut more and more. Self-driving cars will lead to fewer traffic jams and congestion, which leads to reduced greenhouse gasses from needless idling from cars sitting in traffic, also burns less fuel which will save you money. Autonomous vehicles can save you time and money
Self-driving cars can be cost-effective, even though the price tags on them are high currently. As more companies offer the self-driving tech on their vehicle the price will decrease significantly and the cost of operation will decrease as well, gas consumption will also reduce too. The maintenance will go down too. The price cut is not only if you own an autonomous car, if you’re a proud ride sharer than the saving will come to you too, the autonomous rideshare companies will be able to reduce the cost of the ride because they will no longer need to have to pay wages to a driver to operate the vehicle. A more recent example of a similar phenomenon is when Uber and Lyft took over as the transport alternative to the traditional yellow cab companies, they were able to undercut their prices and offer an arguably better service.
Self-driving ride sharing will bring improved access to people from all locations and communities. The current US transportation leaves out a lot of people and they are left to fend for themselves, ultimately having to purchase a car that they then have to operate with a greater risk. Self-driving cars will create jobs when all these untapped markets need to adapt and up-fit their ancient technology to work with the autonomous grid they will need workers to fulfill this void. This can also apply to people who need to be able to work from home and have their car out working for them while they’re in the comfort of their home. Whether the self-driving cars improve the public’s health, decrease traffic, and improve the greenhouse gases. They will still need a lot of research and data to back up the claims, they will need an agenda and a list of accessible data set, by openly sharing systems to create this open grid of cars to communicate and advance.
Automakers investing more into the economy by creating and backing self-driving cars. Self-driving cars are 90% percent safer than a human is at driving. Self-driving cars are better for the environment they reduce greenhouse gases and congestion. They are vital in some cases for transport of family members that might be disabled in some capacity. Self-driving cars are the wave of the future and we are ready to hop on.
Frida Kahlo: Beyond Just A Wounded Heart
Frida Kahlo was one of the most inspiring artists of her time. Her work embodied various concepts revolving around her culture, symbolism, and the harsh life she endured. Her work symbolized her deepest despairs and brought forth a representation beyond words. She is well known for depicting her life through self-portraits.
Alone, she was able to bring forth a new art form in Mexico. She embraced her natural beauty and identified her truest form despite society’s norm. Many described her as a revolutionary artist with her raw form of art style that revolved around her love life and tragedies she endured throughout her life. Frida Kahlo is a staple name to the people of Mexico and beyond. Her work represented her life and spoke for her when she didn’t. “The Two Fridas,” brought forth a new topic of conversation.
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To paint the picture, the image is two different Fridas sitting together holding hands. The Frida on the left is a representation of a more traditional form, some describe it as European in a white gown with a polished face. Looking at her chest, her heart is open and exposed, running along her left hand she is holding a vein that appears to have been cut and is dripping blood onto her white dress. The Frida on the right has a more modern appearance.
Her heart is exposed but is whole. A vein is wrapped along her right arm but is that leads to a photo in her hand, her ex husband. In the background, you can see a vein running along the back of their head connecting them. The background is unsettling. The sky is gloomy and grey and is displaying an unwelcoming feeling to the eye. Sets a more serious and worrisome mood showing that despite seeing a more modern independent women on the right, there is still despair within her.
Stuart Hall has defined representation through three different aspects: intentional, reflective and constructionist. From a constructionist view, the message behind the artwork is to depict the aftermath after Fridas divorce. This painting is allowing us to see the pain that’s rooted in her chest. In the traditional version of Frida, her heart is exposed and its raw while on the modern version her heart is closed off showing how much her former husband meant to her. The transition between the open heart and closed heart may suggest he took a piece of her or deeply wounded her after her divorce.
Perhaps the closed heart is her symbolizing that she is closing herself off to from those around her. The traditional Frida is also holding a vein that is bleeding out suggesting the possible death of her former self or the death of the women he once loved. Frida is wearing a white dress and has a face of makeup purity and beauty. This may suggest what her husband was fond of or what men sought after in women. Perhaps the white dress is a symbol of her marriage. From a cultural perspective, anatomy exposure is a representation of her wounds transitioning to pain. Putting aside fixed meaning, it’s clear that pain will be a common theme among those who fix their eyes on such a painting.
It appears that Frida used an intentional approach to this image to allow us as the audience to see her pain. She revealed this image shortly after her divorce after eleven years and with her reveal she displayed blood, pain and a gloomy setting leading to the interpretation of death or deep sadness. She represented disparity in her truest form. She is known for her eye-catching self-portraits with symbols along the background to give us an idea of what she aims to explain.
The bleeding vein depicts her death. From a constructionist view, perhaps the death of her former self, or the death of who she was with her partner, what he loved, etc. This lead to the rebirth of herself as an independent modern woman. Like Stuart Hall has stated before there are no fixed meanings when it comes to representation. What’s being suggested is based on cultural perspectives so this is an image of multiple conversations but the central theme like stated before is a pain.
Frida is a well-known artist among the Mexican community. If you try to analyze the image from a viewer who is familiar with her life might have a bit of a different interpretation. Firda has had an incredibly difficult life. She has gone under numerous surgeries and her one love was her husband Diego. In the image, you see a clamp with the vein that is bleeding out. A possible role for that clamp might be its association with her recurring surgeries throughout her life. It might be displaying her recurring trips to the surgical table, not necessarily death. The gloomy weather suggests her consistent battle of pain from the aftermath or the restraints she was given after each one. Of course, this painting was made shortly after her divorce so that will remain a core concept in this painting. The clamp could be a form of intentional meaning from Frida herself while still remaining constructionist viewpoint from her fans.
Looking at the cultural aspect, Frida is well known to express her work in forms of politics and embracing signs and meanings from her culture. In this image, the norm of a wounded heart, in this case intentionally and literally is symbolized with death or heartbreak. A well-dressed gown symbolizes wealth and in the old times, women of class. A woman during that time was seen as presentable, polished, made up face so it was socially constructed to have the term women, be associated with beauty.
Frida tackled this concept and represents herself as what a woman should be perceived but proudly embraced her natural beauty by incorporating her facial hair despite people opinions and definitions of what a woman should “be.” Nowadays this conversation that will constantly be changing. The point being made in this image is at that time it was not what was socially constructed, she broke barriers when it came to her self portraits.
In all, this piece among many others is an important image to analyze because as Zavala emphasized, Latinx art is not prodimentalty represented on its own. Latin American art history is more sought after and Latinx art is usually dismissed or underrepresented despite its important contribution to art history. Zavala emphasized an important point, stating that while having Latinx art be mixed with Latin American Art history, there is a lack of recognition with the accomplishments made by the Latinx community.
Frida Kahlo is a highly recognized artist but there are many underrepresented artists within the Latinx community that is brushed to the side within a different category of art history or still lack the recognition in many universities. Perhaps bring forth the conversation is the key to bring more awareness to Latinx artists. The Two Fridas bring forth a new expression and edge to typical self-portraits. It’s a perfect example of Stuart Hall’s interpretation of fixed meanings since this art piece alone can bring forth so many interpretations allowing an open identity. The culture was embedded in Frida and through her work, we used those cultural symbols and society help us decode the image to create meaning. She is one of the many Latinx artists who deserve more recognition.