
Project Title: Projects coordination with active application (Can change!) Project Activities: 1. Use managerial applications on control systems tasks. Essay

Project Title: Projects coordination with active application (Can change!) Project Activities: 1. Use managerial applications on control systems tasks. 2. Research management applications and its effects on system management. 3. Develop skills to prioritize project management. 4. Improve communications skills. Learning Outcomes: On completion of this project I will be able to: 1. Review control …

Project Title: Projects coordination with active application (Can change!) Project Activities: 1. Use managerial applications on control systems tasks. Essay Read More »

Need help with the code Topic: calculating the area of irregular object while it’s on motion I have a

Need help with the code Topic: calculating the area of irregular object while it’s on motion I have a conveyor belt dimensions are [ 105 * 41CM ] I have a Raspberry Pi kit and Raspberry Pi camera that need to be programmed to do the following: 1) Calculation while the object on motion [ …

Need help with the code Topic: calculating the area of irregular object while it’s on motion I have a Read More »

Ethics Security

PLease write 200 words on each question provided below after watching the videos link provided below. “Do ‘grey hat’ hackers really exist? In other words, can one truly be neutral ethically as a hacker?” You will likely want to research black hat, grey hat, and white hat hacking more online before completing this assignment questions: …

Ethics Security Read More »

Electrical Circuits

Description and objectives In this activity you will Build circuits in a simulated environment: TinkerCAD Measure basic electrical quantities using a multi-meter (i.e., voltage and current) Verify circuit behaviors with resistors in series and in parallel You will use the simulated environment for this activity, www.tinkercad.comLinks to an external site.. If you haven’t created an …

Electrical Circuits Read More »

Pengetahuan Bahan Pertanian

KOPI ciri-ciri kopi arabica :berbentuk lonjong,memeiliki garis tengah melengkung,warnanya cenderung lebih gelap. ciri-ciri kopi robusta :memiliki bentukyang agak lingkaran, memilikigaris tengahyang lurus,warnanyalebih pudar. arabica biasanya akan berbunga dalam kurun waktu 9 bulan, sedangkan robusta biasanya berbunga dalam kurun waktu 10 hingga 11 bulan.kedua jenis kopi tersebut berasal dari afrika. kopi biasanya berbunga pada saat musim …

Pengetahuan Bahan Pertanian Read More »

writing two arguments with Opposition and a summary for both

In 2015 all 193 member states (including the U.S.) of the United Nations adopted 17 goals (referred to as the Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs). The SDGs provide a framework for the world to assess their progress to achieve a more sustainable future for everyone (the period is 2015-2030). The 2019 U.S. Cities Sustainable Development …

writing two arguments with Opposition and a summary for both Read More »

Enginnering Graphics and CAD

a. Write down the answers for the volume of the part and location of the center of mass for each exercise, and the major steps you have taken to build the models. b. Submit the the two part (sldprt) files with the scanned answer in a. by using Solid Work for both exercises

Build a Coupling coordination degree model for 3 ports on the gulf of guinea (writer can choose) No need

Build a Coupling coordination degree model for 3 ports on the gulf of guinea (writer can choose) No need for extensive text or writing, I need the actual results (coupling coordination degree) for the 3 ports and the calculations to support it. Attached is the intro for the chapter. below an example (other topic) – …

Build a Coupling coordination degree model for 3 ports on the gulf of guinea (writer can choose) No need Read More »

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