
Function question

Draw arrow diagrams to give an example in each of the following cases or explain why you cannot do that. (a) A function that is surjective but not injective. (b) Two functions f and g such that g◦f is bijective but both functions are not bijective.

Discussion 2

A dart of mass 22g is travelling at 7ms-^1 when it strikes a board. How thick must the board be to prevent the point of the dart reaching the wall behind the board? Assume the resistive force exerted by the material of the board is constant and of value 20N.

The project is adapted from the Chapter 4 Case Study dealing with North–South Airline In January 2012, Northern Airlines

The project is adapted from the Chapter 4 Case Study dealing with North–South Airline In January 2012, Northern Airlines merged with Southeast Airlines to create the fourth largest U.S. carrier. The new North–South Airline inherited both an aging fleet of Boeing 727-300 aircraft and Stephen Ruth. Stephen was a tough former Secretary of the Navy …

The project is adapted from the Chapter 4 Case Study dealing with North–South Airline In January 2012, Northern Airlines Read More »

Mathematical Survey

Prepare a brief questionnaire (15 questions: 5 nominal, 5 ordinal, 5 interval level variables) to study perceptions of crime near John Jay. Include questions asking respondents to describe a nearby area where they either are afraid to go after dark or think crime is a problem. Operationalize each question/variable (list the attributes of the variable, …

Mathematical Survey Read More »

Write and post a linear equation in two variables and graph the linear equation using (Links to an

Write and post a linear equation in two variables and graph the linear equation using (Links to an external site.). Please view this video on how to create and embed a graph using identify two points (written as ordered pairs) on the line and verify that they are true solutions. To do …

Write and post a linear equation in two variables and graph the linear equation using (Links to an Read More »

Complete the Redistricter code to perform the following functions. Implement the MCMC process that iteratively produces candidate redistricting plans

Complete the Redistricter code to perform the following functions. Implement the MCMC process that iteratively produces candidate redistricting plans and accepts or rejects these candidates based on the Metropolis criterion. Run this process at least 1,000 times and record each run’s resulting plan. Visualize the results of this simulation in a plot that displays the …

Complete the Redistricter code to perform the following functions. Implement the MCMC process that iteratively produces candidate redistricting plans Read More »

Have you ever watched Let’s Make a Deal? One of the games is based on a famous problem in

Have you ever watched Let’s Make a Deal? One of the games is based on a famous problem in probability. The game goes like this: You have three doors. Under one door is a car and under two doors is a gag prize (known as a Zoink!) You can choose one of the three doors …

Have you ever watched Let’s Make a Deal? One of the games is based on a famous problem in Read More »

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