The paper is about self-esteem in children and young adults which occur as a result of peer pressure among other factors. The focus has however been put on peer pressure as an agent of self-esteem in this group of individuals. In the introduction, attention is concentrated on how these two things are always interrelated. Deeper into the paper, the relationship between peer pressure and self-esteem are identified as a way of creating an understanding of these two issues better. The paper goes ahead to look at the main part of the work: the impacts of peer pressure on self-esteem to these young adults and children. The paper looks at all the areas affected by this problem from the family to the children too. In making this work worth a piece of importance, the paper goes ahead to talk about the possible solutions towards mitigating this problem. It highlights the importance of parents, teachers and other people as the key agents of operation in working towards achieving this since they are the ones dealing directly with these children. Coping mechanisms and regular counseling are viewed as the main elements that can foster children into escaping the trap of low self-esteem. In the end, the paper concludes by emphasizing on parents and teachers to use the opportunity they have at hand towards helping children out of this problem.
Self-esteem and peer pressure are two phenomena that have become a critical aspect in the growth of children especially in the transition from childhood to adulthood commonly known as adolescence stage. The self-esteem of a kid from an early age of 5 (Marshall et.al, 2009) is very vital in determining the character and most probably the future life of the kid. Therefore, it becomes crucial to analyze and research more about this topic to find solutions to this problem and also see how children can be helped to cope with this inevitable situation. This paper is aimed at looking at the impacts that peer pressure has on the self-esteem of children. In achieving this, there will be a need of looking at the possible causes of the peer pressure before considering the effects. In making the paper conclusive and also helpful, there will also be a need for coming up with a possible course of action that can be followed to mitigate this issue. In generating the concepts and developing the paper, class materials related to children counseling and books will be used. In relating the matter to the Worldview and ethical approaches, the Bible will also be sourced. At topping it all, other peer-viewed articles that support the topic will also be referred to.
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According to Marshall and others (2009), peer pressure is defined as the internal force that makes one give away all that they can to fit into a group of those around them. It is when one is influenced people around to at in a manner that pleases these individuals. Psychologically, one will never develop a thought process of establishing whether the activities they want to be engaged in is a good one or not (Martyn?Nemeth et.al, 2009). It all depends on the agents of the pressure. Whereby the agents of the pressure are those influencing the subject. The origins of peer pressure have been in existence from the beginning of the world. It was because of peer pressure that Eve opted to heed the lies of the serpent, into disobeying God (Genesis 3:1-6, NKJV). Going further we see the disciples of Jesus being influenced by Him to the extent that they want to know how to pray the same way the Jesus prays (Luke 11:1-13, NKJV). These two scenarios from the Bible give a clear indication of the two facets of peer pressure, that is, it can impact a person in either a good or a bad way. The direction of the impact will depend heavily on those influencing the change in character (Marshall et.al, 2009).
Self-esteem in psychology is viewed as the way a person evaluates his or her worthiness (Blomfield Neira & Barber 2013). It is more of an emotional judgment of one’s self and the attitude that one will develop towards themselves after concluding the value they possess. It is a very paramount agent of an individual’s confidence towards a thing that they are involved with when it comes to performance. When one feels that they are valued as individuals, they will have high self-esteem which automatically translates to high levels of confidence. Blomfield Neira and others emphasize that extremely low levels of self- esteem can even lead to a person rejecting their being (2013). Self-esteem just like peer pressure it is as old as it can be remembered. In the encounter of Job and those wanting him to forsake God, in addition to the faith he had in God, he also viewed himself to be worth more than what he was going through. His high self-esteem was fundamental to see him through (Job 13:1-4).
When it comes to children, these two entities are so good to get over them and be able to alter their character attitude and emotions towards specific things in their lives. Children from the age of 5 years have their social cognitive function and process well developed, and this develops their aspect of being social beings (Marshal et.al, 2009). Any child that refrains from interacting with others has an issue that needs attention. At this development stage, the interactions make them feel accepted, and the desire for recognition develops. In the process, one will want to be like another kid maybe because they have a better toy than theirs or even they can play a given sport better. This aspect of peer pressure is thus developed. In such a scenario, two possibilities will either enhance the self-esteem of the kid or lower it depending on whether the kid will eventually have a chance to be like the mate or not.
In adolescents, it is worse. At this age, the kid has an opportunity to explore from friends since it is when he or she is allowed some freedom. Much of the time is spent away from the family, and mostly with friends. At this point, one is always desperate to fit into the expectations of the other (Martyn?Nemeth et.al, 2009). This makes them ready to do what it takes to look the same as those around them. The problem comes in when there are obstacles around that restrict individuals from becoming like this new society. There will be feelings of alienation which lowers their self-esteem (Patchin & Hinduja, 2010). In such instances, they may even lack a personal identity for themselves. If they can match the character of those around them, for example, the kid joins the band and begins taking drugs, they will have a feeling of achievement and acceptance. This in return boosts their confidence and self-esteem as explained by (Martyn?Nemeth et.al, 2009).
As stated earlier, the impacts can be positive or negative depending on the causes. The kid may end up attaining to fit in the group, but the worry remains of what this group is involved with. For young children, as they desire to be like some, most are due to materialistic issues. If there is no one around to help the child work through it. This can be accomplished by getting them what they want, they will feel unwanted, and therefore their esteem is lowered. This makes them refrain from others as he feels incomplete (Patchin & Hinduja, 2010). This will also make them develop feelings of agitation especially the kids that initiated the pressure on them. In other cases, rebellion ends up being the only weapon remaining (Ahmed, Ho, Zazed, Van Niekerk, & Lee 2016). Such feeling will make the kid unhappy, and this can be seen in their dislike of things that they have liked. A good example can be a favorite toy or television show.
If the kid can get someone who will note the changes or will hear from the kid of what they want and be able to provide what they want self-esteem will be enhanced. They will end up feeling loved and cared for, and this boosts their emotions and attitude towards life (Patchin & Hinduja, 2010). If it is something related to schoolwork, they will develop an acute interest in school. A kid who wants a bicycle to ride to school just like others. The parents help them to achieve that. So, it will be noted that they are always interested in going to school. This, in the long run, will enhance their class work.
In adolescents, the flow of events is the same with the difference being that, in this case, the impacts are more adverse and difficult to reverse. As this young man gains confidence due to acceptability in that new family. They lose the respect that is expected of them towards their parents, guardians and even teachers. The kid will have false confidence that this new group will always be by their side (Patchin & Hinduja, 2010). Parent and teachers will experience a lack of control over this kid since there is nothing, they can do to get his or her attention. This has been a very common problem in most households (Ahmed, Ho, Zazed, Van Niekerk, & Lee 2016). Such events trigger misunderstandings especially among spouses since one sees the other as if they have negated their obligation leading to the kid slipping out of their control.
Patchin & Hinduja, however, highlights the positive dimensions of peer pressure (2010). In constructive areas like class work or sporting activities, peer pressure will always enhance hard work and better results. He highlights how the adolescent will be happy and feeling accepted. Since there are people around ready to help them to achieve what they desire from their peers (Marshall et.al, 2009). The environment is even made more conducive since there is a reward. This has made such children develop high esteem and confidence, and as a result, they end up creating good foundations for their bright future.
Worst case scenarios are when the child has failed to fit into the group and yet there is no one around to help them cope with it. In most cases, a child is usually faced with the challenge of wanting to engage in immoral behavior as a way of getting accepted. A good foundation from the family makes some of these kids to find it hard to engage in activities such as drug and substance abuse and premarital sex. Since their earlier growth makes them view this as an impossible activity to engage in (Martyn?Nemeth et.al, 2009). This is, in fact, the most dangerous position that a young adult can find themselves in. The failed mission to keep up with peer pressure makes such children end up not knowing what they want in life. The low self-esteem makes the children end up in a low moment whereby they will even lack the purpose of life. Psychologically, they will be in deep mental and emotional torture (Martyn?Nemeth et.al, 2009).
The issue of mitigating these scary scenarios related to low self-esteem in children lies to those around the children. It should be noted that all adults are given the mandate of ensuring that kids all have a divine role in ensuring they are safe (Ephesians 6:4, NKJV). Both guardians and teachers have to check on the progress of their children. To protect them from any cause of low self-esteem to include peer pressure. There are a couple of ways of protecting children from such problems that can not only affect the kid but also the entire family.
One possible way of making this possible is by instilling peer pressure coping mechanisms to the children. Frequent teachings and talks to kids regarding the effects of peer pressure and keeping them away from things that subject them to low self-esteem (Patchin & Hinduja, 2010). Through regular counseling especially to adolescents, they will end up learning the threat that faces them. By this, they can be able to know what is good to follow and what is not. Counselling has been the best way of making these young adults feel appreciated and accepted even when another group of their peers feels the other way about them (Patchin & Hinduja, 2010).
Parents are expected to be close to their children. So, they can note any changes in their behavior. Through this, they can take note in good time regarding self-esteem issues and eventually enable them to seek help in time (Marshall et.al, 2009). Dealing with adolescents is usually a challenge to many parents; however, one keyway of winning their trust is by being a good listener to them. Martyn?Nemeth and others highlight how giving adolescents a listening ear can make them open about their inner troubles (2009).
It is evident that peer pressure has self-esteem issues as some of its repercussions. The problem has impacted heavily on the development of young children and created hurdles to the transition period that adolescents usually face. All is not lost, however. Parents and teachers need to work tightly together and bring the children closer to them as a way of understanding them better, and this allows the depressed kids to speak out of their misery. Through this, self-esteem issues in children will be unheard of.
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- Ahmed, M. D., Ho, W. K. Y., Zazed, K., Van Niekerk, R. L., & Lee, J. L. (2016). The adolescent age transition and the impact of physical activity on perceptions of success, self-esteem and well-being. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 16(3), 776-784. doi:http://dx.doi.org.ezproxy.liberty.edu/10.7752/jpes.2016.03124
- Marshall, W. L., Marshall, L. E., Serran, G. A., & O’Brien, M. D. (2009). Self-esteem, shame, cognitive distortions and empathy in sexual offenders: Their integration and treatment implications. Psychology, Crime & Law, 15(2-3), 217-234.
- Martyn?Nemeth, P., Penckofer, S., Gulanick, M., Velsor?Friedrich, B., & Bryant, F. B. (2009). The relationships among self?esteem, stress, coping, eating behavior, and depressive mood in adolescents. Research in nursing & health, 32(1), 96-109.614-621.
- Patchin, J. W., & Hinduja, S. (2010). Cyberbullying and self?esteem. Journal of school health, 80(12),
- Blomfield Neira, C. J. & Barber, B. L. (2013). Social networking site use: Linked to adolescents’ social self?concept, self?esteem, and depressed mood. Australian Journal of Psychology 2014; 66: 56–64. https://doi-org.ezproxy.liberty.edu/10.1111/ajpy.12034
Legal And Political Aspects Education Essay
This paper will express my opinion about whether or not education is helped or hindered by the legal process. I will also address how an educator can work to ensure that the school operates consistently within the parameters of federal, state, and local laws, policies, regulations, and statutory requirements. Furthermore, factual and applicable examples will be provided that will support my opinion.
Position/ Opinion
I feel that education has been helped by the legal process. There has been so many different issues and concerns that have been addressed over the years that have helped shape a better learning opportunity for pupils. According to CAPE 6: External Context and Policy- Education leaders influence political, social, economic, legal and cultural contexts affecting education to improve education policies and practices. This proves to be true through the numerous lawsuits held in courts that have brought fair and just access to all students throughout the years. Some cases include cases specifically for racial segregation and discriminatory treatment to special education such as the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954) and Board of Education v. Rowley (1982).
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In the case of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954), there were a total of 5 cases. These cases dealt with segregation within our public schools. The five different cases were the following; Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Briggs v. Elliot, Davis v. Board of Education of Prince Edward County (VA.), Bolling v. Sharpe, and Gebhart v. Ethel. These cases addressed one main issue which was that public education to everyone was a constitutional right according to the Fourteenth Amendment and that these rights were being invaded and disobeyed by having colored children think that they were not as worthy as white children. This case ruled that dividing boys and girls on the basis of race was going against what our Constitution guaranteed. This helped our schools get rid of the approved separation that was happening in the public schools.
Another legal example that has helped our schools get equitable access to education within our public schools is the Board of Education v. Rowley (1982). This case involved a little girl that was a deaf student that was in need of a sign language interpreter. Her school refused to provide her with one. Her parents argued and sued due to their belief that the school was violating the Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975. This case provided so much insight into the Education of the Handicapped Act (EHA) of 1974, which later became the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) in 1990. It was this case which explained and defined Free and Appropriate Education and all portions of the EHA.
Our education system has grown in many different ways by addressing diversity and our ever changing world. Our world is blessed to be exposed to different race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, language, culture, religion, mental and physical ability, class, and immigration status. Although our school systems are not perfect, they are moving in the right directions and the legal process has supported the changes needed to ensure equal and equitable access to public education. This diversity and inclusion provides a wide range of experiences and educational backgrounds that is essential for our global society. It is critical that our schools demonstrate that appreciation and understanding of all these different backgrounds of our people in the classroom and in our communities. Thus all our students have the right to a quality education and our policy makers continue to hear the people and continue to make positive changes that are influencing a better learning environment for all.
The numerous cases that have taken place throughout the years has expanded federal, state, and local laws for students within our schools throughout the United States. These laws not only apply to public schools, but also apply to charter schools. “Because they are public schools, charter schools must recognize the constitutional rights of their students and teachers under the terms of the federal and state constitutions-just like traditional public schools.” (California School Law:Third Edition, p.31 ) These laws have made profound changes. Congress has made changes over the last 4 decades that impact acceptance of religion, prohibiting race, color, and national origin discrimination.
Educational opportunities have been extended to everyone regardless of their diversities due to the civil rights laws. According to the United States Department of Education, “The federal civil rights laws have helped bring about profound changes in American education and improved the educational opportunities of millions of students. Many barriers that once prevented minorities, women, individuals with disabilities, and older persons from freely choosing the educational opportunities and careers they would like to pursue have been eliminated.” (United States Department of Education, !999.)
In conclusion, I find that our schools continue to benefit and our helped by the legal process. It is important that we continue to acknowledge that our system isn’t perfect. We must continue to recognize how else we can provide equity and equality to our our educational system to enhance greater educational opportunities. Our laws and regulations preserve the rights of students and their families, they continue to help integrate our students without segregation.