This first commandment is you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. Love Jesus more than you love children, more than you love parents, surely, more than you love anything. Jesus says, “If you don’t love me more than you love your parents, you are not worthy of me. If you don’t love me more than you love your children, you are not worthy of me.” To not be worthy of him means you won’t have him. If you don’t love Jesus, you won’t have Jesus.
If that deepest, fullest love isn’t for Jesus, then we are not worthy of Jesus. Loving Jesus is unfathomable and foundational and transformative because you devote him above all things. Today, the term “love” has become one of the most repeatedly used and tainted of words, a word to which we assign quite different connotations.
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Psychology has programmed our generation to believe that self-expression is the uppermost Good. If you don’t feel it, it isn’t genuine and, therefore, not existent. This, shared with the meaning that love is almost solely a heartfelt feeling originating deep inside us, makes the view that one should act affectionate despite not feeling it to be domineering and a pollute of love. The command to love God with everything, and others as ourselves, frequently attacks this kind of love, tyrannizes our accepted desires and troubles our self-actualization.
Can love be commanded? Against the commandment of love, these questions raise opposition. No one has ever met God, so how can we love him? Likewise, love can’t be commanded; it is ultimately an emotion that is either there or not. It cannot be constructed by the mind. God does not mandate us an emotion that we are incompetent at creating. He loves us, he constructs us to perceive and understand his love, and since he has “loved us first,” love can flourish as a reaction inside us.
“If we love God, we shall love his name and never speak it except with reverence and respect. We shall never use it as an expletive, as an expression of anger or impatience or surprise; we shall do nothing to bring infamy upon his name.” (Armino pg 319). The Sabbath, or day of rest, is so introductory that it was started by God at the time of creation. God did not choose to rest because He was weary, and the day was not set for man to relax after a week of labor. The Sabbath is the conclusion of creation. By compelling this day of rest, we appreciate God’s hopes for man to relax, and it gives man a day to thank and show his appreciation regarding God. Such a statement is not a true oath because Scarlett has no intention of making an oath. This type of oath is referred to as an assertory oath.
This type of oath is referred to as a promissory oath. This kind of oath calls upon God as a witness to what a person intends to do in the future. In this example, the sister intends to slug her brother if he touches her bike. Such a statement is not a true oath because the witness has no intention of making an oath. This type of oath is referred to as an assertory oath. This is an example of “Ridicule of the Faith.” It involved irreverent dispositions that come in the form of sarcastic remarks or ridiculous caricatures with respect to Christian customs or moral behavior. This is a “promise and commitment” vow. A vow that involves the expressed commitment to fulfill what is stated in the promise. This is a “free will” vow. It does not have a tie to God like in the “promise and commitment” or “serious obligation” vow. Mark’s vow does not entail God as a witness or a vow made to God with another person as a witness. Therefore Mark’s vow is not obligatory. Laura and Theresa’s father knows the decision he made was incorrect to do. His conscious is telling him not to follow through with this decision. As far as we know, it also doesn’t have a tie to God like in “promise and commitment” or “serious obligation” vow.
Therefore, his decision and vow are not obligatory, and he can change them. Peter does not promise to God or promise to another person with God as a witness. Peter did not vow to Sarah, he also did not give a ring to Sara directly, and it’s not like Peter is asking to have the ring returned to him. Peter doesn’t need to follow through with his promise. In this circumstance, David did vow to God in a “promise and commitment” way. A vow differs from a promise in that a vow is much more binding than a wish or an intention to engage in some good action. David had the intention to engage in a good action of being a doctor serving in Asia/Africa. David should follow through with his vow; if he is a really good doctor, the job offer will come around again another time. Yes. There are ways to help make Sunday a day of rest and worship, and one of those ways is no practice works of charity and mercy. Most states in the USA have ‘Good Samaritan’ laws that oblige doctors to stop and render emergency treatment under certain circumstances. In this case, Mrs. Duncan could have felt obligated to help since she is a doctor.
However, by helping, she is also practicing works of charity and mercy. I think it would have been evil for Mrs. Duncan to turn her back on someone in need when she knows she can offer her level of help and potentially save someone’s life. Yes. Catherine was unaware of the change in Mass; she even made an attempt to attend the service. It is her school’s responsibility to have Mass available for their students who wish to attend. It was out of Catherine’s hands that Mass was canceled, and she was unable to go. Not really. I understand Jacob not being able to attend morning mass due to a late night. To me, that is okay since he was still intending to try to attend the late Mass. I understand wanting to watch the Packers game.
However, he could have left to attend the 5 pm game and dealt with missing the end of the game, but he didn’t. Now he’s tired and feels the 6 pm mass is too far away. To me, just because someone goes to Mass every single Sunday doesn’t make them a better person or better Christian than someone who only goes to Mass on Christmas and Easter. We all have different ways of expressing and loving God. Some people pray every night or set time aside to study faith. Sometimes just being around family is enough for people to feel God’s love. If Jacob is a consistent person who attends Mass, missing one service isn’t the end of the world, and he will be back next weekend and on his normal routine.
Transformations That Increase A Woman’s Self-Confidence And Self-Esteem
“Feminism is politics. Yet, judging from its impact on either theory or practice, feminism has been less successful in challenging male stream politics than in the near-revolution it has achieved elsewhere.”
We are experiencing huge transformations in the world we are living in right now; transformations on so many levels: in the workforce, equalization between sexes, education, and qualifications. All these transformations increase women’s self-confidence and self-esteem.
The changes we are seeing are not related to feminism alone, even though they are such important changes that people can’t even ignore anymore. In politics, on the other hand, the change is barely noticeable. And the masculine presence in this field is still dominant. Feminism is still treated as a discreet subject of study and it is of interest only to the people involved in it.
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“The phrase —a woman’s place— has been used to assert there are roles or locations socially acceptable for women to occupy, inferring there are places or positions where they do not belong.”
Certain expressions we still use in our daily life, even though they are outdated expressions, are still accurate. Women nowadays are experiencing the alienating effects of these expressions, which means for them that they do not belong! It also implies that certain activities, situations, jobs, or actions are still socially unacceptable for women.
Despite the presence of women in politics in our days, women still experience difficult and different treatment in their careers as they progress to become leaders. Even though they attained the education and qualification to lead, they still struggle to receive equal opportunities in powerful positions.
Being a woman in leadership with a male-dominated history and practice creates huge difficulties and challenges for women kind. Women in power continue facing discrimination, inequalities, sexual harassment, and gender role stereotyping in their work environment. In addition, lesbian and non-conforming gender leaders encounter challenges such as transphobia and sexism.
Numbers and data
“Women outdoor leaders continue to face challenges in being fully recognized as both competent and caring leaders. Many of those challenges are based on stereotypical views of what constitutes what is appropriate for females and males (gender role stereotypes) and on views of microaggressions, which reinforce the demand that females behave in ways that match their socially defined gender. Acknowledging these types of challenges is the first of many steps that can be taken to support women being viewed and accepted as leaders the out of doors.” (Gray & Mitten, 2018).
The media perpetuates the sexiest perceptions by portraying the image of women in leadership. And this is one of the reasons that women start unconsciously questioning themselves and their abilities to perform certain jobs, which leads to a lower rate of participation of women in certain fields.
It is all about the image we create of women and what we want people to believe it. In certain cases, women themselves start believing too. This will eventually make change difficult and challenging.
“Even in societies and organizations that value gender equality and invest in initiatives to reach it, women are underrepresented in most senior-level leadership positions. Then account for less than 5% of fortune 500 CEOs, less than 15% of executive officers at those companies, less than 20% of full professors in the natural sciences, and only 6% of partners in venture capital firms.” (Gino & Brooks, 2015).
Why women’s presence is still shy in high-level positions?
Studies conducted with Harvard business school pointed to several results: Men and women are different when it comes to leadership, and each party has its own life goals in the search for different outcomes. Previous studies showed that gender inequality has two sides. Some argue that people view women as less competent than men in leadership, and because of this misconception, women encounter challenges and difficulties, such as skepticism of their abilities to perform their jobs. Others believe that it’s men’s nature that gives them a head start.