What are my rights if I am immunocompromised and my workplace is not taking the necessary precautions to protect me from COVID-19?

You must use credible source for your research (no blogs, sub-Reddits, Wikipedia, etc.), and AT LEAST FIVE OF YOUR REFERENCES MUST BE SCHOLARLY ARTICLES AND/OR COURT OPINIONS (for this paper, use of court opinions is optional).  A scholarly article is what is typically used for an academic paper or report.  These can be found using scholar.google.com .  As you know, court opinions are written decisions by a judge or court.  For examples of court opinions, see — Example1 (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1748-8583.2011.00173.x), Example2,  (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0363811114000642?casa_token=w9u9AAtldsgAAAAA:IGrc_DZMGGtPgXKDbCFgwmU8ldesJPB7B3y464ovIi5aYoeg_JaUCmsDVtih9X5e7kyBUlCmfUU). Court opinions can also be accessed from scholar.google.com (click “case law” when searching).  However, it helps if you have the name of a specific case (e.g., EEOC v. Dial).  You can find specific case names from scholarly articles, general websites, blogs, and news reports (and often from the websites of law firms that specialize in Employment Law).

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