– What are the differences between the way conservatives and progressives view the federal role in emergency management?.
Reading: Read the assignment material for the week. This week, the reading assignment is:
From the ‘Resources’ section, read Drabek and Evans.
Assignment: Provide an approximate 1000-word overview and explanation of the important concepts in the readings. Assume that you are writing for an uninformed reader that knows nothing about the topic and has not read what you read. Provide an introduction that gives the background of the resource that you are reviewing, so the reader will understand what they’re reading and why. Consider the following topics for inclusion in this week’s discussion:
– What are the differences between the way conservatives and progressives view the federal role in emergency management? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? What should a practitioner of the profession prepare for when administrations switch from one to the other?
– Is there such a thing as a ‘natural disaster’? Or do disasters only occur within the context of human perception and experience? How does the concept of ‘social perspectives’ play into this?
– What is meant by ‘blaming the victim’? How does this concept influence the way our society responds to disaster?
– Do policy-makers typically consider disaster research in design of public policy? Why or why not? If not, what would be the advantages if they did?
– How does the concept of ‘non-routine social problem’ aid with the understanding of disasters?
– What is the interface between emergency management and homeland security? Which is the ‘parent’ concept? Justify.
– What are the policy implications of these discussions?
DO NOT list out the topics or questions and answer them. They are not meant to be all-inclusive, and your reader will not understand the context. Rather, give an overview of the author’s entire body of work, using the topics as guidelines. Ensure that you meet or exceed the 1000-word target, and that your paper meets APA presentation requirements.